Stay away from her or else..

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Wednesday, Week I

[ Taro POV ]

I walk with Osana to our spot and begin talking. 'Hey Taro why do you spend so much time in the school Plaza, like even when we don't plan to hang out there you sit there ?' The red head asked me, 'oh wel, it's because it's the best spot in school I know. You have the sound of the fountain and the cherry blossom fall next to you, I think it's the most soothing place in the school' I replied. 'Wel I'm sure I know a better spot then that !' She said putting her hand on her hips. 'Wel if you know a better spot I'm always happy to check it out' I tell her with a smile. 'oh is that a challenge? Wel challenge accepted then !' Eh challenge ? I just wanted to be a bit more openminded. Anyways I tell her 'Em it's not a competition you know' but she didn't seem to care 'wel it doesn't matter to me, I'll show you a beter spot then the school's plaza by the end of the day !' Once she was finished she just directly walked off and went in Raibaru's direction. 'Eh okay then' I said out loud before making my way to the lockers. I change my shoes and make my way to the fountain, I seated myself at my usual spot and began reading a new book. Such a shame that she lost my book yesterday. I was just at the most interesting part.. I sight to myself and began reading but I was quickly interrupted by the bussing sound that came from my phone that was in my bag. I take my phone out of my bag and see a text from an unknown number. Huh who's this ? I open the text and began reading what this person texted me.



Excuse me who is this ?

I saw you stalk an lower classmate recently.

What are you talking about ?

No need to play dumb with me.
I want to help you
Want to know who the boy is that she spend so much time with ?

I would like to know, yes.

As you already know his full name is Osano Naijmi and he's Osana's brother.
What you don't know is that he is planning to confess his feelings to Ayano after school at his home.

Why are you giving me this information ?

I'd love to see him suffer and you are the perfect person for that.

Who are you again ?

Have you ever heard of the name "info-chan" ?

Isn't she an urban legend about a girl who blackmails a bunch of people and sells panty shots to sick perverted people who want the buy the photos ?
And most of the time she gets her material by hacking people.

That's just the beginning , I sell more then just blackmail and photos of private areas.

And why should I believe that your info-chan ?

I've installed an app on your phone go take a look.

An app with an icon of the siluete of a girl appears on my homescreen

How did you do that !?

That is none of your concern.
If you do various favors for me I can offer a wide variety of services for you.
Such as drops or schemes on how to eliminate rivals.

Yandere for each other [ Tora & Ayano Yandere AU ] (OLD VER)Where stories live. Discover now