As for Jane, after several challenging and tense months, she finally reached a point where she no longer actively sought to end Jeff's life (thank god). She also introduced you all to her girlfriend, Mary. The two of them met in high school and have been dating on and off ever since. Despite Mary's soft-spoken and timid demeanor, you soon discovered she possessed the same feistiness as Jane, unafraid to threaten bloody murder when she sees fit. It seemed these two were truly made for each other.

BEN hasn't changed much since you first met him. However, he has become painfully aware of just how single he is. He started hitting up random monsters in the mansion and even talked to strangers online... sadly, only the biggest scumbags wanted to talk to a forever twelve-year-old so yeah, it was hard.

He was genuinely pleased when he finally found a gaming buddy aside from Jeff. You were the first person to agree to join BEN in playing Stardew Valley. Your shared save file had already amassed over 1000 hours and continued to grow.

After the whole 'fiasco' with Jack, Toby became even more anxious about people. He kept those who were already close to him closer, and kept strangers away by any means possible. Still, nowadays, you see him smiling at his phone more and more. When asked, he told you he's talking to his new 'friend', Natalie. You really hope that this time his significant other will not be a spy... but only time will tell.

And Jeff...

"All done," you announce, setting aside the brush and inspecting his head one final time to ensure full coverage. "Now, what do we say when someone does something nice for you?"

Jeff just rolls his eyes before playfully tugging at your collar, pulling you down into a searing kiss. You gasp against his lips, your hands instinctively moving to his shoulders to draw him closer. But just as you're about to deepen the kiss, he pulls away with a sly smirk.

"Was that a sufficient 'thank you,' or should I act more grateful?" he teases, and you can't help but smile.

"I'd prefer if you used your words, but I suppose that'll do," you reply, heading to the desk to put away your gloves and materials. "Now, come on. I need to see Saw."

"Heh, see-saw. By the way, was there ever a trap involving a seesaw?" he muses as the two of you exit the room. "Seems like something John Kramer would do."

"Well, how about we try that next time you head out? Give your victims a chance to escape," you suggest, clearing your throat. "Hello, Jessica. If you don't hop on the seesaw with us for the next hour, I'm going to Jeff the Kill you." You slip into a mock Jigsaw impression, and Jeff chuckles beside you, his hand tightening around yours.

"'Jeff the Kill you'? Haven't heard that one in a while." He chuckles, grabbing your hand in his as you walk.

"Yep, it's simply too good to let go of. You know, I might even trademark it."

"Hey, you can't trademark my name. It's mine!"

"I can do whatever I want, Jeffrey Alan Woods."

"You're insufferable."

"You love me."

"That I do," he replies with a smile, and you can't help but mirror it, your affection for him as strong as ever despite having dated for over a year. One would think your honeymoon phase ended.

It only got worse.

"Love you too, babe. And don't forget to rinse your hair in about 20 minutes. I don't want you to go bald," you playfully remind him. Jeff chuckles and plants a final kiss on your cheek before the two of you step into the living room.

The room has seen a few changes since your last visit, the most prominent being the enormous TV mounted on the wall and the lengthy couch placed directly in front of it. The rest of your friends are already settled on the couch, with Masky casually sprawled across Hoody's lap and Toby engrossed in a passionate debate with BEN, likely about something Pokémon. Again.

"Hey, where are Jane and Mary? I thought they'd be joining us for the Saw marathon," you ask, and immediately all four pairs of eyes shift to you.

"Yenne, finally!" Toby exclaims, beckoning you to join him and BEN on the couch. "Could you please tell this loser that 7th gen is the best? Oh, and hi, Jeff."

"You're delusional if you think Sun and Moon are the best Pokémon games when Black and White exist," BEN retorts with a scoff. You glance at the other proxies, seeking some context, but Hoody merely shrugs.

"Don't bother, you won't win this battle." He chimes in, running his fingers through Masky's hair. "And as for your question, Mary can't handle gore. She said she'd throw up if she saw too much blood, so Jane took her to their room. They'll watch something else."

"Well, it's their loss," you remark, taking a seat on the couch as Jeff settles down next to you, a smudge of black dye already adorning his cheek. You decide not to mention it. "So, are you all ready for 13 hours of Saw?"

"Born ready," Masky declares, rising from Hoody's lap to reach for the remote. "Knowing us, it'll probably turn into more like 15. I'm planning a food break in the middle."

"Sure, whatever," Jeff mutters with an eye roll. "Just play the damn movie already. Yenne looks like they're about to burst with excitement."

"I'm not!"

"You are."




"Yes, yes, yes-

"Okay, god! I'm playing it, just shut up, you two," Masky grumbles. True to his word, the title sequence of Saw begins to play. BEN flicks his finger at the lights, making them dim so that the TV is the only source of light in the room.

You smile and hug Jeff tighter as the movie plays, the man carefully hugging you back, mindful of his wet hair.

In the glow of the TV's flickering light and the comfort of Jeff's embrace, you realize that this is exactly where you want to be your whole life - wrapped up in the comfort of each other's arms with the thrill of a horror movie in the background.

And all this? It's perfect.

𝙒̴𝙝̴𝙖̸𝙩̶ ̴𝙖̶𝙧̸𝙚̷ ̶𝙩̴𝙝̸𝙚̶𝙮̷?̵ [✔] {Jeff the Killer x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now