Chapter 33

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Surprisingly, everything went fine.

After... 'talking' a bit with Jeff, the two of you went to the infirmary, the man making sure to double-check all your injuries. Soon later, the rest of your friends also return to the mansion, the five people you now consider good friends crowding your bed in relief. Amongst them, Toby is wearing a sorrowful expression.

"I-I know I already said it, but..." Toby sat at the edge of your bed, taking off his goggles so that he could look you in the eye. "I apologize, Y-Yenne. If I didn't just-" He swallowed a lump in his throat. "If I didn't blindly trust J-Jack, if I wasn't jealous... maybe none of this would have h-happened."

"Toby," you replied calmly, grabbing his hand with yours. "It's okay, really. I don't want to pretend I'm not Slendy's favorite child, but listen," your grip on his hand tightened. "He loves you too. He spent so much time looking for you, asking around, searching every forest... Slenderman loves you."

You smiled at him, and he smiled back, though you could still see the pain behind his eyes..

"...He could say that out loud, though, like, 'I love you'. Is it that hard?" you said, making a terrible Slenderman impression, and Toby couldn't help but snort.

"He's so t-terrible at voicing his feelings. And I thought he was different from m-my biological father in that aspect."

"You had an emotionally unavailable father too?!"


You and Toby officially made up, much to everyone's delight, especially Masky and Hoody's. The four of you finally had time to sit down and talk about your future as proxies. From what they've told you, it's much easier than Slenderman made it out to be.

"So... we just have to draw?" you asked, looking over Masky's shoulder as he sat at the living room table, deeply focused on a crude drawing of Slenderman. "That... that doesn't seem that bad."

"First we make the pages," said Hoody, also hunched over a drawing, this time a weird symbol - a crossed-out circle. "If a new victim starts to see them around their neighborhood, they get very paranoid - making Slenderman's job much easier later."

"Yep! There's a-also the task of finding a perfect v-victim, but we're gonna wait with that one until y-you fully heal." Toby affectionately threw his arm around your shoulder, but you couldn't help but pout.

"I am literally a trained mercenary- and Smile healed me! I wanna get back into the field!"

"Three more days!"

Jane couldn't hide her happiness when she saw you sitting alive and well on the infirmary's white bed. She didn't hesitate to push through the crowd surrounding it to get to you, shoving Jeff particularly hard, especially after learning he was the one who almost killed you

"Please, I could even kill him in his sleep - a painless death, just for you," she whispered in your ear as she leaned down, careful not to raise any suspicion from the jet-haired man now angrily sprawled across the floor.

"Do not kill him, he's-" You paused, realizing you two still hadn't discussed your official status as a couple. "I'd miss his ugly mug." Jane laughed, disapprovingly shaking her head.

"Exactly! He's ugly; there's no reason for this scum to still be breathing," she said, turning to face Jeff with murder on her mind.

"No, waitwaitwait-"

𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢? [✔] {Jeff the Killer x Gender Neutral Reader}Where stories live. Discover now