He was starting to get really annoyed with sans attitude. He wasn't used to San talking to him like that. Definitely when It had to do with his addiction. It made him really uncomfortable. Obviously he was scared that San would start taking stuff away from him.

San could tell wooyoung was upset. He shook his head and grabbed wooyoungs pack of cigarettes. Wooyoung quickly snatched it from him.

"I was just looking at how much you had left.." San sighed.

"None of your business." Wooyoung sassed. "God damn.."

"I'm just trying to look out for you." San mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Just don't mess with my shit." Wooyoung warned him.

"Last one?" San asked referring to the cigarette.

"Sure whatever." Wooyoung groaned.

After dinner they both had pretty much gotten over their argument. Wooyoung was helping sans mom wash the dishes. San snuck upstairs to his room. He grabbed wooyoungs cigarettes and counted them then hid them. He didn't think wooyoung would want them this late at night anyways. He yawned and got his things together to shower. Wooyoung said they could shower together that night so san was excited and didn't want any distractions.

One long shower later, they both went to sans room kissing and just in towels. Wooyoung sat on the bed and san jumped on top of him hoping for round two. But wooyoung pulled from the kiss.

"Sannie baby not tonight. Okay?" Wooyoung said squishing sans cheeks.

"What? But.."

"Sorry I'm tired. The shower is a work out." Wooyoung chuckled a bit and moved san off his lap.

"Oh.. but you always want round two.." San whined.

"Not this time." Wooyoung said and began to get into boxers.

San only squinted and got dressed too. He got into bed and watched wooyoung. He was scared that he might look for his cigarettes. But he didn't. Wooyoung got into the bed and hugged him. San smiled and snuggled wooyoung.

"We can have round two in the morning." Wooyoung cooed and kissed sans head.

San pouted playfully and turned away. "No."

"Okay. Easier for me." Wooyoung teased and let go of san crossing his arms too.

"Waittt you gotta cuddle me though." San said turning back to wooyoung. When wooyoung didn't answer he bit his arm.

"Okay puppy. Calm down." Wooyoung wrapped his arms around san again. "Sleepy time. Good night."

They both drifted off to sleep. San was happy that he was able to distract wooyoung.


"What's this?" Wooyoung asked.

His dad looked at what was in little wooyoungs 6 year old hands.

"Oh this? It's just grown up stuff." His dad said and patted his head.

"Oh like what you and mommy does outside the restaurant?" Wooyoung asked looking at the cigarette.

His dad nodded. Then took it from him to toss it out.

"Appa." Wooyoung reached to be picked up. "Is it like candy?"

He picked wooyoung up and thought of how to answer. "Well-" His dad tried to explain but was interrupted by his wife.

"What are you two up to?" She asked.

"Eomma!" Wooyoung yelled. "I found your candy!"

"Oh really?" She gave them both a kiss. She looked at her husband for clarification.

"It's grown up candy." He chuckled and showed her the cigarette in his hand.

"Oh I see. I guess it is like candy. It might taste good to grown ups but it's not very good for you. Just like candy to kids." She explained agreeing with wooyoung.

"Not good? Then why do you do it?" The little one asked.

"Life's short. A little every once in a while is no harm." She replied with no hesitation.

"When I grow up we can eat grown up candy together!" Wooyoung cheered.

His parents looked at each other laughing. "Yes wooyoungie that sounds fun." His mother said.


Wooyoung jumped a little as he woke up. "Eomma.." he felt his eyes fill with tears.

He let go of San and got up. He went looking for his cigarettes. "Dammit where did I put them?" He whispered to himself. He dug through all his stuff he couldn't find them. He felt his mouth start to get dry and his hands shaking. "I swear I put them here.." He looked at san remembering that San was upset that he was smoking. He started looking in sans stuff, trying his best to put things back the way they were. He looked around the room then began to sob. He didn't even care if San heard him. He just needed one.

Suddenly san turned over. He saw the box under sans pillow. He immediately stopped crying and grabbed a few putting it back under sans pillow and going to open the window.

He scrambled to light it. "Damn lighter.. fuck." He burnt his finger a little but managed to light it. He felt like he could breathe again. A weak smile grew on his face. The cigarette couldn't keep the tears in his eyes but they made him feel so at home. He closed his eyes only imagining his mother. He held out his lighter as if his mother was there to take it. "We can eat it together.." he muttered.


I'm still deciding if I want to end the book with a happy or sad ending. Anyways I'm excited for these last few chapters. Thanks for the support.

Thanks for reading!

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