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I just wanted you to breathe for me,
Something in the love that I couldn't feel anymore,
So I just lived, for you,
Diving under pressure, building up till I am crushed out,
And all my bones like the whithering weather,
Crushed to dust so I just pull out for some air,

I look into the sky and the clouds greet me with a scowl on their face,
The stars that covered us once like a blanket are now hiding from their grace,
And I can't let you go,
The damaged minds, some of the greatest of all time,
Dead in Plain Sight,
And I don't want you to go away and throw away, what we have and what we could,

If only you would,
Hold my hand,
For all the misery and grief,
To evaporate and melt down to the ground with a single touch of love,

Hypertension drugs and superficial love,
The maddest of all time,
Chains wrapped around our bodies,
Leaving brutally honest and sincere bruises left and right,
And the lights were cut off and the pupils dilated,
Even in the dark, I would smile,
Chained to the wall, when I would see you standing in front of me from my own eyes,

Freedom and liberty from my own mind and those of the others,
Fuck the slavery,
I can't put in my work just to wither,
Away like a broken feather,
Flying with no aim and no destination,
Without any sense of knowingness and without the feelings of love, care, and self awareness,

And I would keep on flying to nowhere,
But eventually, I landed up on the palm of the hands,
Cut up from the cruelties of the world,
Stained red with the blood he shed of his own,
And when I landed on the hand that I owned,

I found myself,
But I still was lost,
And I guess that is how life is,

You never truly find yourself,
So I found myself,
But I still remain unfound,

There are a million parts of me,
A billion smiles,
And maybe a trillion personalities,
Sitting with their knees to their heads in fear,
Inside a cave they carved out of the great walls of a small island of emotions they are stranded on,

And I would want to meet them someday,
Would want them to roam the streets with me,
But this world is cruel and this love is hard,
And I wouldn't want them to lose themselves,
Just like I lost me,

Because in those islands,
There are no rules of normalcy,
No rule for loving someone,
They just have to be the one,
And only, themselves,

And I wouldn't want them to experience the excruciating heat of the tyranic anxious society and the blood bathed scammers lovesick schemes,

I want them to love themselves and experience a love that is free,
I want them to breathe.

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