'I don't seem to recognize the name, so my best guess is he's from 1-B...'

"Dude! There's no way Hajime placed second! He really lost to the new girl?!"

Word spreads like wildfires; hope this won't cause problems again.

'Speaking of this Hajime, who even is he?'

As if by coincidence, a brunette boy held his hand out to me. "I see I was defeated by you. My name's Hugo Hajime, pleased to meet you."

Round glasses, freckles, brunette hair, and hazelnut eyes, so this is who Hajime was. His uniform was like that of every other first year, yet his was neatly done. 'Talk about over the top.'

Shaking his hand, I didn't say anything. He was obviously giving me a fake smile. In reality, he's probably ready to cry or scream of anger.

At least that's what I think.

Letting go of the handshake, Hajime merely walked away, followed by a group of guys.

"Oh Wow! Nice work (Y/N)-Chan! You got first place!" Mizuki yelled as they pointed out my name to An.

"I got top twenty! An barely passed!" Mizuki patted An's back. An looked quite happy to pass by pure chance.

I only received a small nod from Aoyagi, and a fake smile from the ginger guy who I don't even know.

The bell rang, signifying for all of us to get to class.


[Time skip after school]

[Rui POV]

Classes were finally over for the day. I walked down the hall with Tsukasa and Nene, on our way to meet up with (Y/N) in front of the school building.

Passing by the bulletin board with all the test scores, the first place name for the first years was erased from the list.


Nene seemed the most disturbed by the sight of the erased name. Thinking nothing more about it, we made our way to the front.

Surprisingly, (Y/N) wasn't there. 'I suppose she must've gone ahead. We'll just make our way to the park.'

"There's no way I would've lost that easily, I suspect she cheated! Like, she hasn't even been here for a semester, so how did she do better than me?!"

Tsukasa stopped paused in his tracks and looked around.

"Over there..." Nene pointed at a group of students underneath the trees shaded areas.

'No clue who that is, but I wonder who he's referring to.'

I could tell Tsukasa was confused as well. None of us even knew what year that kid is in.

Nene merely walked away, going on ahead of us.

Following in pursuit, we eventually caught up with her. "Jerks..."

Tsukasa nor I had a single clue on what Nene was rumbling about.

"Woah Nene, what's the matter? Did those guys do something to you?" Tsukasa stood in front of Nene as he walked backwards.

"Not exactly to me, but still." Now I'm even more confused and concerned. 'What sort of grudge does Nene have against these people?'


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