"But as incredible as that was, and the rest of our dates, I mean, he's just so amazing," she continued. "Like he's always checking in on me, he asks how work was, he helps out around the house when I'm tired, he even took my car and got an oil change for me without me even having to ask."

        I cleared my throat and said slowly, "Listen, Kylie, as sure as I am that you're happy and that you love each other, just prepare for this week to be...testing."

        "Oh, I am," she assured me. "Aside from you and Grayson being living proof that Laura is the devil wrapped in diamonds and perfume, Clay has properly warned me."

        "Just saying, being the significant other of her son is much different than just being her son," I said tightly. "She has it out for anyone who falls in love with her boys."

        Kylie smiled. "Well aren't we just two lucky ducks then?"

        I snorted and we caught up to Clay and Grayson, who were both much happier to see us than engage in whatever dismal, Laura-centered conversation had been going on. They were both on their best behaviors, getting the doors for Kylie and me and packing our luggage into the trunk.

        Grayson parked in the garage, suggesting that we sneak in. Laura, however, had somehow become aware of her own garage and was awaiting our arrival.

        "My darlings!" she cooed, embracing both men as we all tumbled out of the car. "Oh, you both look wonderful."

        "Hello mother," Grayson said, pecking her cheek.

        "It is tremendous to see you again," Clay said pompously, bowing so hard his hair that normally hit his eyebrows hit his shoes as he kissed Laura's hand.

        "It is lovely to see you too, Clay," she said brightly, entirely missing his sarcasm. His smile fell, disappointed in his own attempt to discourage her.

        He brushed off the feeling and cleared his throat. "Mother, this is Kylie Borgen, the girl I told you about over the phone."

        "How do you do," Kylie said politely, extending her hand for a handshake.

        "Well, it's nice to meet you, Kylie," Laura said, her smile just a little too tight. "Tell me, dear, how long have you and Clay been together?"

        "A month now. You're very fortunate to have such a sweet and thoughtful son," Kylie said, shooting Clay a smile. He blushed furiously, making me raise an eyebrow. Clay, blushing at a sweet and innocent compliment? Never. 

        "A month, how wonderful!" Laura breezed right past her son being sweet and thoughtful. She shot a meaningful glance at Grayson, who ignored said glance. I was proud of him, knowing how dangerously close he walked to being disrespectful of his own mother.

        "L-Mother, can I give her a tour after she's settled in?" Clay asked, clearly wanting to skedaddle as soon as possible.

        "Yes, of course," Laura said, nodding gracefully. "Kylie, I hope one of our guest rooms will be suitable to your taste."

        "Actually, she'll be staying in my room," Clay said casually. Shots fired.

        I adored the little twitch in Laura's left eye. "Are you certain about that, dear? Because Kylie wouldn't want to impose, would she?"

        "She very much would like to impose. Come on, Kylie," Clay said. Poor Kylie looked like she'd been tossed overboard the Titanic as she followed him into the house. I gave her a sympathetic look, which she seemed grateful for.

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