🩷️ 🌶️ || PLAY PRETEND - PT4

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• Summary: You ask Otis to attend your family reunion with you on one condition... that he pretends to be your boyfriend
• Word Count: 3344
• Warnings: female!reader, smut - [ oral fem!receiving, unprotected sex ]

 that he pretends to be your boyfriend• Word Count: 3344• Warnings: female!reader, smut - [ oral fem!receiving, unprotected sex ]

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Walking arm and arm through the gardens, you and Otis stayed quiet. Neither of you felt the need to fill the silence, not when it was a comfortable one. You both simply gazed across the vast amount of flowers that littered the garden. Listened intently to the faint trickle of the pond's fountain as well as the croaks of frogs and the chirps of crickets.

It was a peaceful walk, one the two of you needed after a rather long night. The stars twinkled brightly above you, although they could barely be seen through the thick trees that covered your path, fallen leaves sprawled out in front of you. The walkway was lit up nicely by fairy lights, each tree used as a support as they guided your way towards the special place you wanted to show him.

You never usually took people here. It had only ever been your sanctuary. The place you went as a child when you needed to get away from everyone and everything. Even your parents stayed away, your mother surprisingly but that was mainly because she hated the place and had protested when you asked your dad if you could have one. Thankfully though, your father never could say no to you.

Pushing through an overgrown part of the path, Otis's eyes widened at the sight before him. Your arm fell from his as he moved a little quicker towards the huge tree that sat in the middle of the garden, not to mention the enormous treehouse that rested amongst its branches.

"No way!" He breathed out in excitement, the exact reaction you'd been hoping for. "You have a treehouse?" He turned back towards you, the giddy, childlike look on his face making your heart warm as you nodded your head.

"I have a treehouse." You chuckled, taking his hand again and pulling him towards the entrance. "Come on, let me give you the tour." He happily allowed you to lead him towards the spiral staircase that was hidden amongst the shrubbery.

The two of you walked quickly up the stairs, Otis eager to see just what this incredible treehouse looked like on the inside as the outside was nothing compared to treehouses he'd seen before. This one looked professionally built, what with its windows and doors. Hell, it even had a balcony out the back.

"I used to come here when I was younger... When I needed a break." You told him as you entered the main room. You watched as he glanced around at what was inside. There wasn't much, really, a small bed sat up against the wall, there was an old couch pressed against the other with an even older TV facing it.

The walls had posters pinned up, most of which were extremely faded and sun damaged given how long they had been stuck up. There were fairy lights along each wall, giving the place a rather homely feel to it as it wasn't too bright but wasn't too dark either. There was even a mini fridge that still worked and was still fully stocked.

The Beating Heart // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek Oneshots ✔️Where stories live. Discover now