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• Summary: You ask Otis to attend your family reunion with you on one condition... that he pretends to be your boyfriend
• Word Count: 3415
• Warnings: female!reader, pretend relationship

 that he pretends to be your boyfriend• Word Count: 3415• Warnings: female!reader, pretend relationship

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You hated family reunions. You hated them with a burning passion. They weren't fun for you. They weren't enjoyable. In fact they were the complete opposite in which they were hellish and something you dreaded every year. You didn't know why your family insisted on having an annual reunion, especially when they saw each other frequently throughout the other 364 days of the year.

You guessed it was just an excuse for them all to get drunk. Or perhaps it was an excuse for them to badger you about your dating life. You truly hated the night that only ever seemed to consist of your family members asking you when you were finally going to settle down and start a family. You didn't know how many times you had to tell them that you were happy as you were, a simple paramedic at a great firehouse with a great bunch of friends. You didn't want to settle down, at least not yet. You were young, you had plenty of time for that.

But your family never seemed to listen. They kept trying to set you up with friends of the family, or worse, your old childhood friends that you absolutely couldn't stand to be around now given how ridiculously smug they'd gotten over their flashy careers. They didn't seem to care that you were a paramedic, a literal hero in the sense that you saved people. They were more interested in their big company or whatever the hell it was that they did, you didn't know. You didn't listen. And frankly, you didn't care.

This year however, this year you were completely and totally screwed in that you'd fucked up when your mother phoned earlier with the set date of the reunion. You never intended to spew out a lie about having a boyfriend but she'd just been going on and on about setting you up with your old friend that you'd rambled out some complete nonsense about how you were already seeing someone. And worse, how you'd planned to bring them with you to meet everyone.

You'd royally fucked yourself now. You couldn't skip out on the party, you'd tried that last year and it resulted in your mother coming down to see you in person. To the firehouse. In front of your friends. You still hadn't recovered from that. But now you'd gone and made up some complete lie about having a boyfriend and your mother had believed you. She'd gotten all excited over hearing that you finally had a man in your life.

And to make matters worse, when she asked you how you met him you told her he worked with you! What had you been thinking? You knew you wouldn't be able to get out from under this rock you'd dropped on your own head, which meant there was only one thing you could do... You had to find someone who was willing to pretend to be your boyfriend, just for one night, and you had to fake the whole relationship and put on a one hell of a show in order to get your mother off your back about your love life.

The only problem was... You had no idea who to pick. Nor did you have any idea who would say yes.

You couldn't ask Severide, otherwise you'd spend the entire night fighting your relatives off as they tried to flirt with him. You couldn't ask Casey as you didn't think Gabby would like you borrowing her boyfriend for the night. Same goes for Cruz who had just recently started seeing Sylvie, who again probably wouldn't like you using her new boyfriend to lie to your family.

The Beating Heart // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek Oneshots ✔️Where stories live. Discover now