Chapter 2 - Tango, Scott & Joel

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Before he headed to the Evermore, Tango decided to check the Ranch at the edge of Tumble Town. His heart throbbed painfully as he opened the door. He remembered Jimmy building the Ranch after the Hermits had come to the lands of Empires, proudly presenting it to his former soulmate. He remembered the sparkle in Jimmy's eyes, the smile on his face and the pure adoration that could be seen on his face.

He had been so proud. And he had done it all just for Tango. For Tango to have a home away from home. To sleep and to spend time with the Sheriff at. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he thought about how he practically abandoned Jimmy by working none stop at the Goblands. How long had it been since he last was here?

As he looked all through the Ranch, seeing everything in the same spot it had been all those days ago, he knew the answer. Too long. The only thing out of place was the photo frame on the bedside table, which had stood on a shelf nearby. Tango's heart shattered as he pictured Jimmy sitting on the bed, holding the picture inn his hands. It was a picture of the two of them, standing in the goat pen, proudly holding out their goat horns. Pearl had taken the picture and send it to both the Ranchers.

He cried quietly as he put the frame back on the bedside table. He felt like he had somehow betrayed his Rancher. Left him behind. All because he had been too preoccupied with work.

He wiped his cheeks as he made his way over to the Evermore, crossing through the Nether. He really needed to find Jimmy. He needed to know the other was okay. If anything had happened, he would never forgive himself. He would never forgive himself for not spending more time with him. Oh god- what if he never got to spend more time with Jimmy? He froze on the spot as his thoughts spiralled out of control. What if- what if- what if-


A voice rang out from between the mangrove trees and for a moment the Netherborn believed his Rancher had found him. His hope got shattered as a hat as big as his own popped up from between the trees. Great Witch Shelby made her way over to him, calling out his name once more, concern on her face.

"Are you alright? Did the Fog do something to you?" she asked hurriedly, her hands wrapping around his arms and eyes scanning his body. Tango shook his head. "You were frozen in place and muttering to yourself," Shelby said, not beating around the bush.

"I'm sorry," Tango sighed," It's.... Jimmy." A knowing look crossed Shelby's face and she pulled him into a hug. "I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but it will be alright," she muttered, squeezing him tight," It's not our fault." Tango choked on a sob as her words registered in his head. "How?" he asked, wanting to ask so much more, but couldn't.

"I have been afraid to lose somebody to, to hurt them and push them away."

Tango asked no more.

As she let go of him, she offered a small smile. "Now let's go look for him," she said, determined. Tango nodded and let himself be tugged along through the forest and the Fog. They found nothing but shapes and shadows. They came across a pond, getting freaked out by a frog. They didn't cling to each other in fear, they did not.

After getting spooked for no apparent reason, searching for hours and not finding anything, they decided to head to the Witch's hut. Tango shot a message to the general chat, letting everybody know that Jimmy had not yet been found. Shelby offered him tea and a place by the fire to wait for any news on Jimmy's disappearance and he couldn't say no. he held onto the little hope he had left and Shelby's words.

"It's not your fault he's gone. He will be found and you will see him again."


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