Chapter 1 - The missing Sheriff

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Scar lead him up the mountain, not letting go of the other's hand the entire time. they chatted about Scar's work on the train and how things were over at Hermitopia. Grian had to correct Scar on the name on multiple occasions. Once they reached the farm, they could hear the creepers hiss, but no other sounds. It seemed abandoned.

"I was sure he was heading this way," Scar mused, sounding unsure. He shrugged and stepped away. As they made their way back down, Grian not flying as not to leave Scar behind by himself, the bird man wondered out loud. "Are you sure you've seen him?"

Scar stopped in his tracks, face full of concentration. "Yup," he popped the p," this morning, when he passed by the train. We greeted each other as usual." Scar shrugged. Right as they stepped back into the bowl of the mesa, a figure appeared at the entrance of the tunnel.

At first they thought it was the Sheriff, but they soon noticed the hat the figure was wearing was way to big to be Jimmy's. Icy blue eyes blinked as he stepped out of the tunnel and into the sun. an excited jump and a wide smile as Tango noticed the other two nearby.

"Hey guys!" he called out as he got closer," Have you seen the Sheriff? I was looking for him." The other two shared a surprised look, making Tango feel slightly unnerved. "We were actually just looking for him," Scar said," Can't find him." Tango blinked in surprise. "He can't have vanished into thin air, he's probably some place else," the Dungeon Master said, pulling out his communicator. It took him a bit to find it in the long coat he refused to stop wearing no matter how hot he got. Probably a benefit of being a Netherborn.

It made Grian wonder about the massive hat on top of Tango's head. Timmy had stated that there was a law that prohibited people from wearing each other's hats. Of course, he had made an exception for Tango. He wouldn't dare arrest his former soulmate for such a silly thing, he was too much of a softie. Even with Pearl, who had so happily showed off the fedora Scott had given to her. He mentioned the law, but didn't act upon it, not wanting to squash the excitement rolling off of Pearl.

Now that Grian thought about it, he believed Jimmy was far too sweet to be a Sheriff. He shook his head. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Scar looking away from him as if he had been staring at him the entire time. Tango finally found his comm. and started to type a message.

<TangoTek> Hey, has anyone seen Jimmy?

It took a moment before several messages flooded the general chat. Most of the Emperors confirming he's not at their land.

<SmallishBeans> he's not at Scott's?

<ScottSmajor> Should he be?

<SmallishBeans> if he's not at his, he's most of the time at yours.

<MythicalSausage> that's true!

<ScottSmajor> well, he's not here

<XisumaVoid> he's not at Hermitopia, for as far as I know

<ImpusleSV> not up at the farms either

There was a moment of silence before two messages popped up simultaneously.

<ScottSmajor> Jimmy?

<TangoTek> Jimmy?

There was more silence, and no other messages, as they awaited a response from the Sheriff. Time was spent with Tango staring at Grian with worry in his eyes. Grian looking at Scar and Scar frowning at his communicator. There was a ping and all 3 quickly looked back at their comms.

<Shubble> is Jimmy gone?!

<Shubble> he's missing??!

<fWhip> what do you mean, he's gone?

<KatherineEliz> well if he's not at home, and not at anybody else's and we don't know where he went and he doesn't answer his comm....

<Shubble> omyjoelhesmissing

The trio ignored the following messages that discussed whether or not the Sheriff had gone missing. "He's not missing," Grian stated matter-of-factly. Tango and Scar shared a look. "I'm... sure he's not?" Scar said, sounding very unsure. Tango's gaze shifted between the two. Soon, new messages popped up from other Emperors stating they were coming over to help look for him.

It didn't take long before several people landed in the mesa. Scott, Sausage, fWhip and Joel all came over to Tumble Town. As soon as they landed, they began to talk over each other, all asking questions about Jimmy's whereabouts.

"Guys!" Grian screeched, making them all shut their mouths and cover their ears. "We have no clue where he is," Grian said," Scar was the last person to see him this morning." Immediately, they all began to question Scar. Tango and Scott wanted to go and search high and low, Sausage begged Scar to tell him all he knew and Joel threatened Grian if he didn't share everything, he knew he would shove lightning down the other's pants. Scar tried to calm them all done, while telling Sausage all that he knew, and he quickly became overwhelmed.


Grian rubbed his temples, sporting a headache already. "How about we all pick a different area to look for him?" he suggested," That way we can cover more ground. He probably just got distracted, knowing him." The others voiced their approval and agreements. "We'll all look in our own Empires and surrounding areas," Scott said. "I'll check out the Evermoore," Tango said with a nod. "And we'll search in Hermitgedon," Scar said. "Hermitopia," Grian sighed. "He can't have fallen off of the face of the earth," fWhip tried to lighten up the mood. Nobody laughed and Scar looked very pale all of a sudden.

"...Scar?" Tango asked, searching for something in the other's eyes. Scar just looked wide eyed and slightly frightened. "I- He-," he stuttered, wringing his hands nervously. Grian placed a hand on his arm. "Just use your words," he said, giving the arm a pat.

"Jimmy once asked if there was a possibility to fall into the void and don't respawn."

Scar chuckled dryly. "We were both exhausted, I thought nothing of it back then." They all stood silent, letting the words sink in. "He wouldn't do such a thing," Scott said with such ferocity that nobody wanted to disagree. "So, let's go find him," Tango said," Let's bring him home!"

All agreed and they sprinted into different directions. They were all desperate to find Jimmy, to make sure nothing had happened and to make sure he was alright. Different directions, but similar thoughts running through their heads.

Where on earth was Jimmy?

Have you seen the Sheriff?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ