Chapter Nine

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A Morning with you.

The next morning I was awakened by my phone calling. I opened my eyes to adjust from the sun light from the curtains, I looked at the screen of my phone to see who the caller was and it's Mama. I sat up and looked at the man beside me who is peacefully asleep.

'Handsome.—Who would even think that we're dating.' I smiled to myself, with my hand on his face. Gently rubbing my thumb against his face. 'You look even more handsome with those moles, eyes... lips.' I giggled as kissed him on his cheek and left the room to answer the phone.

I closed the door and answered the phone. "Hello? Ma-"

"Thank god! Yuzuki! Honey where have you been?? We tried calling you since last night! Where are you? Are you okay?" Mama panicked. "Ma, Ma... I'm fine. Sorry I didn't chat you last night, my phone was dead." I replied and laughed. "But where are you?? Miko is so worried, and your brother even thought that you might be at your boyfriends' house! But you don't even have a boyfriend!"

"But what if she is!" I heard Yui-nii argue with Mama. "No, she doesn't!" Mama hissed as I laughed on the line. "Takahashi Yuzuki, answer my question. Where are you?" She repeated. 'Guess that she is really mad.' I thought. "I'm at my boyfriend's house, Ma. And-

"YOUR WHAT!!" They all yelled at me. "YUKI! YOU JUST CAME HOME TO JAPAN! HOW COME YOU ALREADY HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Haruka yelled. "WHO IS THIS MOTHER F- DID HE PAY YOU JUST TO BE WITH HIM!? TELL ME YUKI, MY SISTER! My oh, my my baby sister. No! You can't. You just- AH! Mama what was that for??" Mama smacked Yui-nii.

"Your noisy! Takahashi Yuzuki! Come home immediately! And bring that boyfriend you say. We're going to talk to that boyfriend of yours!" Mama yelled once again.

"Ma- Hello? Hello??" I looked at my phone and saw that they ended the call. "They didn't even let me talk," I muttered to myself and went downstairs. "Oh, your early Yuzuki-chan." Mama Midori greeted as she took a sip of her tea. "Hai, Mama called," I replied sitting next to her on the sofa. "Mhm. Is Yuki up yet?" She asked focusing on the TV. "Not, yet."

"He must have been tired. He usually wakes up late these past few days. Are you hungry? I can cook for you." She says. "Ah, it's okay. Mama... I can cook." I smiled. "You, sure?" I nodded in reply. "You know, you haven't changed. You are still the Yuzuki I know. I'm very glad that you still remember us after all of these years have passed by. After the graduation, I never saw you again. Now all I've known is that you are Japan's princess in the music industry." She softly smiled. "Thank you, Mama." Her face softened as she grabbed my hand and said.

"You're always welcome, Yuzuki.—You know that you can always come to me when there's a problem. I know you don't remember that much, but I promise you. Things will get better soon."

'I hope so Mama... I hope so. It's already been a week, now that in two months. Things will be back to the way that it was. The suffering that ended, has come back, with not anyone know what's happening.' I thought. "Thank you so much, Mama." I hugged her. "Ah, my dearest lover of my son." She giggled. "Okay, okay. Let's get to work. I'll help you cook." She pulled away from the hug. And opened the vinyl player and played it. "Oh, how I love this song! This was the song that was playing in the disco when I met Yuki and Mayu's dad!" She giggled as she and I went to the kitchen to start cooking.

"Say that I'm a very vintage person but I know you'll like it." She giggled. "Mhm.. what should we cook?" She asked. "Oh! I remembered, you always liked my homemade ramen." She smiled. "Yes, Mama. I missed your ramen." I replied. "Okay, let's get into it."

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