Twenty Three

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San's heart dropped when the attention was on his bullet grazed forearm.

He completely forgot about that.

And the fact that Wooyoung had already noticed his injury when it happened terrified him.

He gulped, knowing all of these red flags were pointing to one thing and Wooyoung would have noticed by now.

"Oh this? I fell off my motorcycle."

Wooyoung frowned, staying quiet for a long moment while staring at the wound.

The longer he stayed quiet the more anxious San got.

But he pretended to ignore it and continued chopping vegetables to hide how he's feeling.

Wooyoung then sighed. "Didn't we agree you don't ride it again? It's too dangerous..."

"I used it when I went to look for's a lot faster and easier."

"I'm sorry..." he hugged San from behind. "But don't ride it again, okay? Let's sell it."

San smiled a little, blood slowly coming back to his face. "As you wish baby."

They finished cooking and sat down to eat their breakfast together.

It all went quietly and peacefully.

Wooyoung was starting to feel slightly better. His mind finally comprehending that he's finally home and this isn't a dream or an illusion.

Once they finished, San went to do the dishes, keeping an eye on his boyfriend as he settled in front of the tv.

"What are you watching?" He smiled, coming to sit with him after he finished the dishes.

Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders. "Just a show I found." he laid his head on the other's shoulder. "San..."

"Yes, darling?"

Wooyoung lowered the volume of the tv and took a deep breath. "I was walking in an empty alleyway where I told Seonghwa hyung to drop me off...I wanted to clear my head after you missed my birthday..."

San held Wooyoung's hand tightly, knowing he's going to tell him everything.

Which of course, he had witnessed already.

But he'll hear it from Wooyoung's prospective.

And he'll know if the boys did anything behind his back.

"After I hung up on you, I turned off my phone, and just minutes later, two or three guys tied me up, blindfolded me and threw me in a car trunk..." Wooyoung paused to take his breath. "It was a very long ride...and when we arrived...they tied me up to a chair and...beat me..." he choked up at the last part, starting to cry quietly. "They beat me until I passed out..." he let out a little shaky breath. "I think they poured water on me to wake me up...but they said they kidnapped me by mistake and it wasn't me who they wanted...then they took me up some room that I stayed of them slept in there, I assume it was his room, and I think he's the leader or something...but he kept me tied up and blindfolded all night..." he wiped his tears. "It was the most terrifying night..."

San gripped his boyfriend's hand, gently reaching to wipe his tears. "It's okay...let it all out..."

His heart ached for his lover, but it had no right to.

He was the one who left him tied up and blindfolded all night.

"Then they just kept me of them was nice to me, he untied me and let me use the bathroom and gave me some food...and even chatted with me from time to time."

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