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"You kidnapped me just as I was fighting with my boyfriend...he's my everything...I can't die yet, I have to at least see him!"

San just watched Wooyoung quietly, his heart breaking a little, but he had to pull himself together. "You're realize we could kill your boyfriend too?"

"N-No! You can't do that! You don't know anything about me or him!"

San couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh really...Jung Wooyoung?"

Wooyoung frowned, stuttering in his words. "T-That doesn't mean anything! You don't know anything! You-"

"You know that mouth of yours could get you killed?" San cut him off.

It made the other go completely quiet.

"If you want to survive, stay still and stay quiet."

"Could you at least untie me for a little, I'm sore..."

San frowned. "Can't do that, this isn't a five-star hotel sweetheart." He got up and left, slamming the door behind him.


"Yes sir?"

"You watch over the hostage, here are the keys, don't let anyone go into that room except for you." He handed him the room key. "Untie him for a few minutes and let him use my bathroom, do remove the blindfold, we don't want to damage his eyesight...but make sure he doesn't see your face, and that's the most important thing Yunho, understood?"

"Yes, sir."

San nodded. "I'll take the rest of the team and go on our mission."

He knew he couldn't trust anyone else with Wooyoung.

Yunho was the only, or at least the most sympathetic member of the whole gang.

" you know him by any chance?"

San sighed, clearly disappointed. "He's an old friend of mine." He nodded. "But don't tell anyone."


Yunho went upstairs and into San's room.

He saw the poor boy crying again.

"I fucking hate this job." Yunho muttered as he locked the door behind him. "Do you need anything?"

"W-Water..." Wooyoung murmured between hiccups.

He grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the room, slowly helping the other drink.

He almost finished the whole bottle, he must have been really thirsty.

"I'm going to untie you so you can go to the bathroom, but that's it, don't try anything, I don't want to have to hurt you."

Yunho put on his full face mask and began to loosen the restraints, then the blindfold. "The bathroom is this way."

He then crouched down in a corner so the hostage couldn't tell his height or body portions.

Wooyoung was more focused on letting his eyes adjust to the sudden light. "Thank you..." he rubbed his wrists to soothe the pain, he got up slowly with a groan, his legs felt like they were made out of wood. Every muscle in him was stiff, not to mention the striking pain in his bones from the beating.

On his way to the bathroom, he couldn't look up or take in any of his surroundings, it was too bright for his tired eyes.

But he learned one thing. The house is old and abandoned.

 The house is old and abandoned

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