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"Let me out! Let me out of here!" Wooyoung shouted helplessly over and over again throughout the unknown ride.

Who were these people?
What are they gonna do to him?
And what do they want from him? He's not even rich!

His phone was turned off, no one could even track where he is.

Fuck, I'm screwed...

He kept cursing his friend Seonghwa for ever telling him about this secluded place to isolate himself in.

But it was too late for regret now.

The ride was long, and it was suffocating the poor boy in the trunk.

Were they taking him to another city?

The car finally came to a stop, and he finally felt some cold air hit him.

Someone picked up Wooyoung over his shoulder, but not before covering his mouth with duct tape.

His muffled screams were useless.

They only made the man carrying him laugh. "Save your voice, no one can hear you here."

The man's voice seemed muffled by something, probably a mask, because it was almost unrecognizable, but it was deep.

Wooyoung went quiet, but he couldn't help his tears from falling.

He could feel the wind stop and the place go quieter, like they walked into a building.

And he could finally hear footsteps.

There was more than one person.

They weren't in a rush, taking their time as they walked.

Was this place so big?

Stairs heading down, a basement?

Wooyoung was trying to take as many notes as he could with the little senses he has left.

He was suddenly thrown onto a chair, which made him groan into the tape.

Before he could move a muscle, both his ankles were tied to the chair legs.

He was completely helpless.

"Mission accomplished boss, we have the boy." The deep voiced male spoke after a beep of what sounded like a walkie talkie.

"As expected of you guys, well done."

Wooyoung started shaking after that, it seemed like there was a whole gang.

And they didn't just want money from him, they wanted him personally!

They must be mistaken, why would they want me?!

But he couldn't tell them that, he couldn't talk.

"Keep an eye on him, Mingi, I want him alive..." the man talking on the other line paused. "But helpless."

The now named mingi smirked. "I'll take care of him for you boss."

Wooyoung started struggling against his restrains, knowing what's coming is not good.

"Woah'll hurt yourself little boy." Mingi chuckled. "

That was all Wooyoung heard before he was punched in the eye.

On the jaw.

On the stomach.

They kept coming at him and all he could do was whimper in pain.

It was painful, but he stayed conscious.

The duct tape was suddenly and aggressively removed from his mouth.

Wooyoung finally screamed.

"P-please stop..." he panted. "I'm not who y-you want...I got n-nothing..."

All he received was a slap on the cheek, which felt way more painful than it should have.

"Did you just say we failed?" Mingi grabbed him by the collar.

"Mingi stop, he's not worth it." An unknown-also muffled- voice spoke.

"Oh I know he's not, I just wanna have fun."

Wooyoung's stomach twisted, he felt like throwing up.
"Have fun with a restrained person? Coward..." he muttered.

One last punch sent him with the chair to the ground, unconscious.

"Hope that satisfied you."

Mingi scoffed. "Yes it did, Yeosang."

Yeosang sighed. "Pick him up, boss will be here soon."

"He'll be happy to see this." Mingi smirked, taking off his face mask. "Hope we're getting paid well after this."

"Are you sure he's breathing?"

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"Are you sure he's breathing?"

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "You need to stop sympathizing with our hostages Yunho."

"Boss wanted him alive."

"He's not gonna die from a few hits."

"He looks like he would."

"Would you like to do a heartbeat check?" Mingi mocked.

Yunho glared at him. "If he dies, you'll get killed too, you realize that?"

"Boss wouldn't get rid of me, he depends on me too much."

"Don't be so cocky, we're all useful."

"Enough!" Yeosang scolded. "Someone is coming, it must be boss."

Yunho and Mingo rolled their eyes at each other before standing aside.

Their boss walked in with slow elegant steps and an uninterested face.

"What is this mess in here?" He complained upon seeing his target thrown to the floor unconscious.

His gang members hurried to sit the bruised boy up, he was still unconscious, his head hanging low.

The boss, Choi San, glared at the men standing in front of him, unimpressed.

"Didn't I say I want him alive?"

"He is alive sir."

"And what am I supposed to do now? Wait for him to wake up?"

"I'll get a bucket of water."  Announced Yunho, earning a sigh from his boss.

"Hurry up, let's get this over with."

******************************A\N: are you enjoying this book so far? I'm really excited with the idea of gang members ATEEZ

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A\N: are you enjoying this book so far? I'm really excited with the idea of gang members ATEEZ

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