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Wooyoung shook his head, tears quickly filling his tired eyes. "Not right now...please..."

It was too overwhelming for him to even think about it, let alone speak and describe what happened.

He simply couldn't.

It broke San's heart, he immediately nodded and moved closer to hug him. "Of course baby...whenever you're ready. You don't need to say a word." He hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. "Let's cuddle to sleep like we used to, yeah?" He smiled a little to assure the other.

"Thank you." Wooyoung whispered and nodded, curling into his boyfriend's arms and letting out a heavy sigh.

It didn't take him long to fall asleep, but didn't take him long to wake up with a flinch and a gasp either, looking around him with wide eyes.

San was quick to hold him tightly. "Hey's okay..."

Wooyoung pushed him away to look at his face, his eyes wide.

"What's wrong baby?"

It too Wooyoung a moment to take in where he was. "I'm sorry..." he swallowed thickly. "I thought I was still there.."

"It's're here with me, you're safe." San stroked his hair gently. "I'm with you."

Wooyoung nodded, slowly moving back into his arms. "It just...felt familiar..."

Of course it did.

The comment made San clear his throat and force a smile. "You need to rest baby."

This time, it took Wooyoung a while to fall asleep, but he slept more peacefully.

San waited for a while for his boyfriend to be deeply asleep before slowly getting up and out of the house to their small front yard, quickly taking his phone -work phone- to make a call.

"Yes, boss?" Answered Yunho.

"Can you tell me what the fuck happened?!"

Yunho's eyes widened, looking at the other members. "Uhm...I'm not sure what you mean-"

"Oh you fucking know what I mean, what happened to his face?!"

"I- he...fell on a rock..."

"A rock? Just a rock in my room?!"

"No no...well he...tried to escape..."

"Not tried, he escaped! Because he succeeded at leaving the building even though you were supposed to be watching him! I told you to not fucking hurt him!"

"'d you know sir?"

"Do you guys think I'm fucking dumb?!"

"I'm really sorry boss, I fell asleep and forgot the door open, it just happened."

"Just happened? He could have died out there and you know that."

"Of course I do...that's why we ran after him."

"And hit him?!"

"No! No sir, no one hit him, he...he just kept fighting us and fell against a rock like I told you."

San took a deep breath. "What about his clothes?"

Yunho's eyes widened. "What about them sir?"

"He was wearing more than that tshirt, where did it go?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Yunho...if any of you had even thought about touching him like's over for all of you, you hear me?"

"I pro-"

"I will find out if it happened, trust me, I don't need to hear from any of you to know."

"Yes, sir."

Yunho sighed, putting his phone in his pocket. "Boss is angry...he knows what happened to our hostage."

"How did he even know?"

"Believe it or not, he even asked about his clothes."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "Why didn't you tell him it's thrown in his room?"

"Because then he'd be sure that one of us has assaulted the boy!"

Jongho raised his eyebrows in surprise. "He thinks we did that?"

"Yes, from what I understood...and he said he'll find out sooner or later."

"Well, none of us did." Yeosang looked at them. "Right? You guys didn't, right?"

"Of course we didn't." Yunho sighed. "I'm just saying what if he gets wrong information? Or misunderstand, I was inside the room with the boy all night and not outside like I was supposed to be."

Jongho sighed. "We don't have any proof of anything, but we didn't do anything wrong, so why should we worry, right?"

Yunho shook his head, staying quiet for a moment. "I'm not feeling so good about this..."



San cursed as he hung up with Yunho. "Fucking idiots, I could never count on you."

He took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair and turning around to go in.

To his surprise.

Wooyoung was standing right there at the door.

Staring back at him.

A/N: is it over for San? Stay tuned to find out.

This chapter is a little shorter than usual, but hope you liked it!

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