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Yunho looked away. "Then we're staying here all night"

Frustrated, Mingi pushed the other against the wall. "You have to tell me."

Yunho took a shaky breath, looking into Mingi's eyes. "If I make it out of there...then I'll tell you."

"What? No-"

"I promise."

"What if you don't?"

Yunho scoffed. "I'll have a positive view of my death then."

"Alright...you have to promise me to come back then."

Yunho smiled a little then shook his head.

He knew he couldn't promise that.

He was more sure of his death than survival.

"I want to do something good before I leave, Mingi...just let me do it...I want to feel proud of myself."

Mingi bit the inside of his cheeks, just nodding and going inside without a word.

Yunho watched him with a pained heart, taking a deep breath. "I got this." He reminded himself before going inside as well."




San walked into his room to find his hostage sat on the floor, hugging his knees and staring at the floor.

The light was off, making the room very dimly lit by the moonlight coming through the tiny window high up on the wall.

Wooyoung didn't look up and just tiredly grabbed the blindfold, wrapping it around his head.

San watched with an open mouth. "Hey-"

"Just kill me..." Wooyoung murmured. "Please...just kill me...I'm going crazy here..."

San slowly approached him. "We're not killing you...we want-"

"Want to take me home, I'm tired of hearing this lie!"

"It's not a lie, it's..." San slowly caressed his cheek, unable to hold himself back any longer.

"Don't touch me!!" Wooyoung slapped his hand away and crawled backwards. "Get the fuck away from me!"
He started crying. "Let me go home you freak!" He ripped off the blindfold and ran towards San to punch him.

He did punch him in the face.

But right before passing out.

San's eyes widened as the boy fell lifeless to the ground. "Wooyoung!" He knelt down by him. "Wooyoung wake up!" He looked around him to find anything to wake him up. "Fuck..." he lifted him in his arms and before he could lay him down on the bed, Wooyoung fluttered his eyes open, immediately squirming to get away.

His moves were weak, but determined.

"Calm down! I'm just trying to put you down!"

"Let me go! Let me go! Don't touch me!"

San finally made it to the bed and laid him down. "Stay here." He grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge and helped Wooyoung drink up. "Drink a lot..."

San sighed when the other threw his head onto the pillow, fighting to keep his eyes open. "Just go to sleep."

"No...you'll take advantage of me..." Wooyoung mumbled.

San let out another sigh. "I don't want anything from you, just rest." He walked out, grabbing his keys and leaving the building.

He had to get real food for the boy, he was clearly starving.

"It's all my fucking fault, I'm horrible I'm horrible I'm —fuck!!" San hit the steering wheel in frustration. "I need to let him go."



Wooyoung sniffled and wiped his tears as he weakly tried to get up, crying more when couldn't stand up and fell back to the bed.

But he wasn't going to give up.

He had to run away.

He knew the building was empty since the boss left.

He made his way to the door, pushing it with all force and to his surprise, he fell to the ground to the other side.

The door wasn't even locked.

He looked down the hallway and gulped.

He looked down the hallway and gulped

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Even the single light was flickering.

His fear of the dark made him question his plan.

But looking back at the room he was in, it wasn't much better.

So he got up and slowly walked down the hallway, tripping onto the stairs a little before his eyes adjusted to the dark.

It was very quiet.

He finally found a door that looked like it would take him outside.

Whatever outside was.

He reached to turn the door handle with a shaky hand.

"I can do this..."

A\N: wasn't this scene also in Stone Heart?

Also what do you guys think of this story so far? I don't think it's doing so well 😅

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