11| He is back

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It's been a week since i came back to Newyork i missed home and yeah i missed that grey eyed man who is haunting me in my dreams every day

My thoughts broke as ashley nudged me
I tried to concentrate on the class

We are at the university right now
and I don't have any interest listening to these classes,but here i am

As soon as the classes ended, we both went to the cafe and sat at our usual spot

"Are u missing Mr.hottie" ashley asked
"No why would I miss him" i said she scoffed rolling her eyes

"I know babe, so stop lying" she said i looked at her how the fuck she is always right
"I know I'm always right, now stop looking at me like that" she said i signed

"I shouldn't think about him, but here i am" i muttered she chuckled
"Why don't you lift his calls, I saw how many times he called you, poor him atleast you should have texted him" she said

"I don't want to give him a false hope, because him and me is never going to happen" i said
"Yeah, we'll see about that babe" she smiled

"Mam your order" I looked at the lady
"Thank you" i said she smiled and left

As i looked at the capuchino my thoughts went to him again as i remembered that day

He ordered capuchino for me
But how did he know that it was my favourite

"See you are lost again" ashley said
"No it's" she cut me off
"Well i never thought this day would come that my bestfriend will daydream, that too about a boy" she said

"Very funny ashley" i rolled my eyes she laughed at me i ignored her and sipped my capuchino

My phone rang and it was obviously my brother

"Hey" i said
"Wassup devil" he said that devil caught my ears oh God I'm really going mad
"Nothing, I'm at cafe with ashley" i said he hummed

"Don't stay out for long okay" he said
"Yes my protective brother" i said
"How's mom dad" i asked him
"They are doing good angel" he said

"Yeah i talked to them on morning" i said
"Okay then take care and call me when you go to home" he said
"Okay bye" i said and cut the call

Then we both decided we'll spend the day in Ashley's home


And it was midnight we both were busy in work and i didn't looked at the clock atahrva will kill me so that's why i called him and said I reached to home

Otherwise he'll worry about me

"Are you sure you are going alone" she asked i nodded
"Ashley calm down, its not that far right I'll go don't worry now go and sleep you look like shit" i chuckled at the last part she glared at me

"Okay fine bye see you tomorrow" she said we both hugged each other
"See ya" i said and closed the door

I looked for a taxi but there is none so i decided to take a walk as it's not that far
Which was the worst decision ever
Don't ever do that you guys

As i walked a few steps i felt somebody was following me as i looked back there was nobody

Am i dreaming or something

Ignoring I started walking again until this time I felt the footsteps more closer my heart beat raised and i decided to run

But my luck i tripped on something and fall staight on the ground I looked at the man Covered with a mask and he had a knife

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