45. Confrontation

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Arjun was more than just pissed when a sleek looking sports car flaunted itself in front of his door.
He was not happy to look at the owner standing in front of him with his usual smug smile. The Jay he knew was back to his old self.

"Who's that, Arjun?" Dev came out hearing the doorbell.

"Oh, another mighty Prince is here too!" Jay exclaimed looking at Dev and making himself comfortable on the sofa. He stretched his legs and crossed his ankles as he leaned behind.

Arjun was about to move forward and was ready to land a mean punch on Jay's handsome face, but Dev held his right arm in his tight fist and shook his head with a warning in his eyes to behave.

The entire interaction did not go unnoticed by Jay and he chuckled.

"What a lovely bond you both share!" he exclaimed again, trying to rile them up.

Arjun rolled his eyes, while Dev was trying to be subtle with his actions. He wanted Jay out of the house at the earliest and without any drama.

"I wonder if you share any secrets too?" Jay asked, sensing their lack of response.

"Everyone has their own dirty secrets, Jay. But I don't believe we are on terms of revealing each others secrets. Anyone hardly trusts you and your family. So.... GET LOST."  Arjun snapped.

Jay's eyes blazed at the mention of his family. He got up with a snap and took a dangerous step towards the cousins. But to his dismay, the cousins stood there unwavered.
"You don't get to talk about my family. I don't appreciate that." Jay said in a cold menacing voice.

"What we appreciate is you showing yourself out and never coming back." Arjun replied sarcastically.

Though Jay did not like the way he was being talked to, it was not new for him. The cousins were never on good terms with him and they had always exchanged bad language and foul words. But this time it was different. Jay needed them to cooperate..

"Look, I am not here to exchange pleasantries. Let's get to the point. Where is Diya?"

Dev slightly widened his eyes.

"Get Out, Jay." Arjun roared.

Jay chuckled.
"So you don't deny that you know her whereabouts."

Arjun was taken aback. He did not know what and how he gave away any hint.

"Now be a good boy and tell me where she is. Where is my baby?" Jay asked trying to maintain his calm.

Arjun crossed his arms and looked in his eyes.
"Last time I know, you cremated her. So, she rests.... In peace..."

The memory of cremation was one horrifying moment for Jay. It snapped the last straw he was holding onto for his sanity. His eyes suddenly filled with unshed tears and his demeanor changed from furious to vulnerable in the matter of seconds.

Even Arjun and Dev noticed his changed features.

"It was too late until I realized that I was tricked last time. The woman I cremated was not Diya. I know she is alive and so is my child. I don't why but your family has a part to play in whatever happened that night. I can let the matter slide and forgive your family. Just tell me where my wife and my child is." Jay was back to his true self.

Arjun laughed out loud and even Dev chuckled.
"Forgive? My family? Is that a new Thank you?"

Jay furrowed his eyebrows.

"No one needs your forgiveness. I thought you would change, but looks like you didn't. I have nothing to tell you. Just to burst your bubble.... You will never see what you desire." Arjun snapped.

Dev placed a hand on Arjun's shoulder to calm him down.
"That's enough, Arjun." He commanded.

"He has had enough." He said looking at his cousin.

He then faced Jay and gave him a skeptical look.
"You are right, Jay. Diya is alive. Your child is happy and healthy. And she is safe with us. But.... We are still not ready to let her and the baby go and face the cruel world. We are still not sure that she will not be attacked again. We still don't know who the culprit was late time. So she still stays in covers."

Jay was stunned by the information. It was the first time, he got to know a confirmation that his wife and child was alive. His breath was caught in his throat and the world stopped for him.
Dev gave him a moment to compose and continued, "there is nothing more that I can tell you. You will not get to meet her anytime soon. So, go home and be assured that she is well taken care of."

Jay looked at him with cold emotionless eyes for a brief moment and turned around to walk away.

Arjun huffed annoyed when Jay's car left with insane speed.
"Why did you tell him?"

"Because His Highness gave him a glimpse of his child. I think he is ready to let go of Diya and Kabir."

"What?" Arjun asked bewildered.

"Yes, he asked me to arrange the list of passengers on the airport if anyone from Agarwal family came looking for it. I am sure he knows what he is doing." Dev replied.

Jay came back home and was not sure if he was happy with the news or he was not liking that the information was incomplete..
He was not surprised to find that Pranav was ready for the journey to West Bengal.

"Where were you?" Pranav asked worried.

"I went to see Dev and Arjun." Jay replied.

"And?" Pranav probbed for more information.

"And... Dev confessed that our theory was somewhat correct. Diya and my baby is alive." Jay replied not knowing if he should celebrate the incomplete news.

Pranav was filled with warmth and his features lit up.

"I don't have anymore information, Dau. How she was saved, who saved her, why... Where she is now... I don't know anything. Dev told me that they don't trust us at all to disclose her whereabouts and she will remain hidden from us, until we prove our worth." Jay added sadly.

That did nothing to dampen Pranav's mood. He was just happy that the girl was alive and the baby was safe.
He held Jay's hand and unceremoniously dragged him to the waiting car that would lead them to the helipad where a helicopter was waiting for them to take them to West Bengal.

Prithvi gave a sad smile and kissed sleeping Kabir's forehead, when he got the news of Agarwal brothers boarding the helicopter.
Earlier that day, he was informed by Dev about the sudden visit by Jay.

He stroked the little boy lovingly. He was not ready to let go of the child so soon, but he also knew, both Diya and Kabir needed their true family.

Moon was glowing in a crescent. Though the night was dark, it promised a bright new day filled with hopes and dreams.

Another chapter up

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