18. Achievements

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Jay leaned on the wall, near the large open window. His gaze was focused on nothing in particular.

"What do you expect after eight months of being married?"

Shraddha's question echoed in his mind again and again.

It was eight months since his brother was married.... It was eight months since he lost his heart to a timid girl.
So much had happened in these last months.

The timid vulnerable girl had slowly found her source of smile in Jay's carefree proximity. She was eating well, she was looking more radiant.
Most important, she was able to forget the worst that had happened and was trying to move on.

It was almost a week ago, when Jay caught up with her in the indoor badminton court of the college. They were seated on one of the stairs, talking to each other and lost in each other, when he told her about his visit to Rajasthan. There a sudden glimpse of sadness, that she won't be able to see him for a long week.

"Diya?" a stern voice boomed and she looked back startled, only to find Arjun glaring at her and Jay.
Jay was already in bad books of the trio, and did not wish to fall down any further. He kept quiet and pursed his lips, when Arjun came forward and held her hand and dragged her out.
She had looked at him, utterly helpless.
He just gestured to keep calm and that he will make everything better.

Arjun had taken her to his apartment that day, that he shared with Dev and Ajay.
Dev was Arjun's first cousin, they were from West Bengal. The duo was close to each other and Ajay had instantly clicked them. The group of three was together since first day of their college.

Arjun had twirled the pencil in his dusky fingers, for the nth time now, and Diya chose to sit quietly, with her head hung low. Ajay held his head in his palms and Dev looked at her with brooding eyes.

"What is that you don't understand Diya?" Dev asked coming closer to his cousin and perching beside him.

As always, Diya did not reply.

The three friends felt helpless as she chose to keep quiet the entire confrontation. She was held back, until it was the time for her hostel to close down. Dev was the one to drop her to her place.

"We just wish the better for you Diya. You are only sister Ajay has. You are a sister to me and Arjun too, and you know that. Don't be so naive. Listen to us and stay away from him." Dev desperately tried to explain himself.

She nodded meekly and walked out of the car.

Dev sighed in defeat. He knew, it was not the end.

Next day, and the coming week, was torturous for Diya. Jay was out of the city and she felt empty and incomplete without him.

Shraddha's words had brought back Diya's memories. He knew, she was looking forward to see him.

Jay waited patiently at the end of the corridor, where she was expected for her next class. As expected, she walked there with her head down.
Her wait was still there for two more days.
She looked up and was pleasantly surprised at his sight. Her eyes twinkled with happiness.

He gave his usual bright smile and walked away. She blinked and looked around, to see if someone was watching her. She knew, where he went. Without thinking much, she changed the course of her track and quickly followed the path he went to.

The changing room of tennis court was silent as usual. She looked around and took a few tentative steps. She was instantly pulled inside a small room and gasped with surprise.
She, by now, was used to his proximity.
He trapped her between the wall and his strong body. Next moment, the distance closed between them and she found herself in his warm embrace.

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