8. Birds Room

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A car stopped in the darkest corner of the parking.
Pranav stepped down the car and pulled on his hoodie, over his head. He was closely being followed by Siddharth, who too, had his hoodie pulled up over his head. Instead of going to the elevators, they both took the stairs, to climb twelfth floor. They looked around before entering the corridor and when the coast was clear, Pranav walked ahead of Siddharth.

He lightly tapped on a room and the door was immediately opened.

"Where the hell is he?" Pranav hissed marching in.

"In the bedroom." The woman who answered the door, replied.

"Are you fine Tara?" Pranav asked concerned.

"Yes Boss, no worries." Tara, was a beautiful young girl in her late twenties. She was working for Pranav's security team.

Pranav nodded and walked to the direction she pointed.
A man was tied to a chair, with a large ball of towel stuffed in his mouth. Pranav looked at Tara and appeared visibly impressed by the way she had handled a bulky man.

Siddharth snatched the towel from his mouth and a hard punch landed on the man's face, making him spit blood.

"Why did you follow Kite? How did you know about him?" Pranav asked.

The man looked at him and kept glaring at him. Pranav was on the verge of giving another blow, when Siddharth pulled him away.
"Don't dirty your hands on this filthy creature."

"Right. Any one else?" He asked Siddharth.

"No. He was the only one. And he could not decode anything. I am sure of that." Siddharth replied without a beat.

Pranav hummed in response and started to unbuckle his belt. The man's eyes widened in fear.

"I was just curious." He replied on the verge of fainting.

Pranav halted his movements for a moment and when the man was not saying anything, he pulled out the buckle that was clasped to his belt. A small but thin sharp blade glistened in the dark room.

Pranav placed the blade on his throat.

"Truth. Just the truth." Pranav whispered menacingly.

"Who sent you behind Kite?" he added.

"No one. I saw it enter your banglow once. I was caught up in its beauty. That's all." The man shivered.

Pranav pulled back and fixed his buckle in his belt, securing it back.

"Impressive. My Kite is really impressive. But you know much more than you should. Now enjoy being my guest." Pranav replied.

He walked to the table where a pitcher of water and two glasses were placed. He pulled out a pair of gloves and pushed his hands in them. He then picked up a glass and poured some water in it. He came to stand in front of the man again. This time, he pulled out his ball point pen from his breast pocket and dipped it in the water and clicked it once. The water instantly turned aquamarine.

Pranav did not waste time and held the glass to the man's lips, making him drink it forcibly.

The man struggled in his chair, within his bounds, but was helpless.

He felt his eyes drooping when all three were looking at him.

"Should I clear it Boss?" Tara asked.

"No. He will die of a very low blood pressure. And this?" He asked pointing at the man's injuries.

"That's taken care of. He was caught up in the street fight, before I got hold of him." She replied.

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