Chapter One: The 16th time

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Chapter one: The 16th time

"Were really sorry Lexi, but we dont think this is going to work"

And no, that was not my non-existent partner breaking up with me, that just now was me, once again being dumped by my foster parents. For the 16th time. In 13 years. You really have to give me some sort of medal for being so unkeepable. I mean come on, 16? The worst thing is that in those 13 years, probably 60% of the time being was in my foster home.

Anyway, making sure to keep my very polite smile on, I reassure them in the best way possible. Humor.

"Oh, dont be sorry, I'm just a bit bummed cuz we almost reached the 6th month point and I could have had a new record. Like, I completely understand where you're coming from, I do. Scratch that, I probably understand the best, like I have to be with me 24/7! Like, imagine how exhausting that is. Also, just so you know, I am so thankful for you keeping up with my shi- um, accidents. Like you guys were great but good things always someday break. That kinda rhymed didnt it? Maybe I should get into poetry, Ive always felt like I had a connection to literature, though I can read. Crap, I forgot Im dyslexic. Well, nothings impossible, ya know. Ha, hahaha. I got distracted, didnt I? Sorry, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, so um, dont be sorry and Ill go pack my things." I rant, tapping my fingers impatiently on my knees.

I stand up from the chair and proceed to stalk up to my room, leaving my two foster parents, now ex foster parents, behind. I feel their worried glance burn into my back as I waddle up the stairs.

My room wasnt special, nor did it have any personality. It wasnt that Emily and Steve hadnt offered to get it personalized the day I got here, it was just that this was a lot more practical. I knew I wasnt going to stay long so there was no need to get into the trouble of decorating.

I stuffed my belongings in my travel box, and it didnt take a while as I had very few things that were actually mine. There was my journal I ever really wrote in when something special happened or if I was pissed.

Then there was my stuffed rabbit I had gotten from my first foster family when I was 4. They had taken me back after 6 months, stating that I was a magnet to bad luck. I mean, that's what my foster homes headmaster had told me when I had asked.

Anyway, back to my belongings, I had a couple of clothes, a book I can't read, a fidget cube for my fidgeting, obviously, and my ring that I kept wrapped up in a small jewelry box. As I was finishing up, Emily came up the stairs looking at me with pity.

"Lexi, I hope you know that its not because of you-"

That's when I cut her off in my head, leaving her to ramble on about shit that wasnt true and just there to make me feel better. Well jokes to you Emily, it doesnt work on me anymore and makes me feel more like shit.

"You understand, right?" she finishes.

I turn to her with a bright smile and nod.

"Uh huh, I told you, dont worry, I wont take it personally." I tell her as I pick up my box and head downstairs.

"Wait, you can leave tomorrow morning, you dont need to leave now" she says to me.

"You signed all the paperwork, right?" I ask and she nods, then I wont be a burden any longer.

I stalk away into the kitchen to where Steve was. He looks at me and smiles sadly as I put out my hand for a handshake. He takes my hand hesitantly.

"Thank you for having me, Steve." I say as I firmly shake his hand. He responds with a firmer nod.

I then proceed to get out of the place. I could take a taxi, but I know the foster home is just a 30 minute walk away, and I should probably save my money for later anyway. I could get in some exercise anyway.

I started to walk away from the house that had sheltered me for 4 months and 29 days. That was the 3rd longest period of having a foster family, and it was all thanks to Emily and Steves open mindedness that slowly started to close as they spent more and more time with me. Honestly, they were such wonderful people, they should have taken another kid that wouldnt have caused so much distress.

After what felt like hours, I ended up in front of the building that I seemed to never be able to leave. Pennys Foster Home for Young Girls read the bright white letters that sprawled along the buildings roof.

I pushed the white door open and I let out a breath of happiness when the wave of air conditioning blessed me. I had previously been melting outside on the pavement. There was no one in the empty hallway as I dragged myself to the registration room.

"Ms Beatrice?" I called out from outside the door. A little old lady popped out from the counter.

"Oh dear, is that you Alexandra?" she asked with a frown that blended in with her wrinkles.

I smile and have a little laugh.

"Mhm, Im back, Ms Beatrice. You didnt think you could get rid of me so easily, didnt you?"

The frail lady scurried out from the counter and came in front of me, grabbing my hand gently. I could see the pity in her eyes. Again, that word, pity. I guess that would be a qualified word for describing my life. Pitiful.

"Oh, what a poor girl, isnt this the, what is it, the quinta time?" she asked.

Ms Beatrice had grown up in Spain so she would often get her languages mixed up.

"Oh, it is well past that, Im planning to set a record". I joke as I pick my box back up and get ready to go to my dorm.

"Ba bye!" I exclaim as I walk away.

I climbed a ridiculous amount of stairs before yanking my dorm room open. No one had taken my space, of course. It was an unspoken rule that no one could take one's space before they had been gone for at least a year. My bed sat neat and tidy among the other 3 messy beds. My counter only had a lamp and the drawers were all empty. I sighed before repeating the action of refilling my drawers with my belongings for what felt like the millionth time.

After everything had been set, I headed down to the main room to join everyone else.

That's the first chapter done! It was 1163 words excluding the A/N and that's going to probably be near the average word a chapter will have which is 1000 to 1500 words. I hope you enjoyed!

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