Chapter 11: Triton and The Goddesses

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I sank deeper and deeper into the ocean. Just when I realized as I was in the Merlin ocean my magic was working now. So, I used my magic to breathe underwater.  As a fact, I was drowning in the Merlin Ocean.

I tried to swim up. I had to see what was there behind the Merlin Waterfall because I wasn't wrong it might just be the staff. As there were blue engravings on the first half of it. But some shimmery blue magical weeds kept pulling me down. 

With my magic, I was fighting off those Wild Seaweeds and keeps. These weeds were bewitched. It took me some time to destroy them. According to me, this was the third test.

However, I had to admire the ocean's beauty. All of those fishes and corals were so beautiful. It was Tremendous.

I swam up and up but not much before I heard a  terrible roar. It wasn't of a lion, In other ways, lions don't live in water, But what was that? What could possibly go wrong.....

"I--- I take my words back---this instant!" I saw a huge, full-size dragon swimming towards me.

Agapios approved me, I climbed the mountain but there was absolutely no way I was getting past these giant lizards.

His huge wings, His Usafa-Indigo scales, his Mouth large enough to swallow in a single try, and his tail would have smacked me in the last corner of this Ocean. He had arctic eyes that spotted me in the area that he owned---I guess.

That water dragon gave me a horrible roar.

"Um--Hello! I was just passing--" I don't know what I just said, as if he was my neighbor.

I watched the dragon swim toward me as it roared at its maximum. I ran as fast as I could.

There was no way I was reaching home alive now!!

He chased me and I swam like a thief. I hid in a small cave as it moved forward. It was smelling me with its huge nostrils.

As a fact, I had to fight him when I saw that he was sitting right in front of the cave, where I could see his tail smashing here and there.

I sighed.

"Ok then, Let's stop this game huh?" I gathered all the confidence I had.

The dragon turned around with air coming out of its nostril, full of anger, ready to devour and pounce on me.

"What did I do to make you this angry, I just fell in here.!"

He roared and flapped his huge wings.

I gulped. I think I know what I did.

I spread my hands at my side, palms up, and lifted them. I used my abilities, as I swam faster than a shark. I attacked the monster, though I admit it wasn't easy, wasn't difficult it was ridiculous! My little sparks didn't matter to him.

I knew I could not beat him but was trying to reach back where I was earlier when I fell. With that,  I fought him.

One of its claws sprang upon my hands and gave me a wound.

"Ah!" I grabbed my hand as I swam further. Blood flew from it continuously. I pulled some weeds and wrapped them around my fist while the dragon got busing finding where I went. I wrapped it up and healed it with my magic just leaving a scar, I would apply ointment for that later. Grandpa always said 'Wounds are better off to heal on their own.'

When The dragon was out of site  I swam up unless it came back, and I had nearly an inch of distance between it and my foot, otherwise it would have pulled me back into the water. That was a close escape.

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