Chapter 10: Agapios

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I moved further.

Strange things have been happening to me recently. I looked back to see if Frostine was still standing there but to my surprise, she had already left.

I snapped my fingers and reached right at the bottom of Mount Langston. It was a holy mountain as Oswald man of the Almighty was last seen here. According to these books, Mount Langston was enforced by powerful magical and natural forces it would have paused my powers as it was a test to see if I was worthy of Oswald's magic or not. In a while, the same thing happened. I was unable to use my magic.

"Well! Let's do this--" I took a step.

"Have Patience, Young lady, There are not two but three tests." A mysterious thin voice came out of Mount Lanston and echoed. 

A lilac and lavender magical ball appeared out of nowhere and instantly transformed into an elf with its body as bright as the snow and a lavender furry coat with a lilac robe. He was a thin elf.

I took two steps backward and asked, "Now who are you? Frostine's brother I suppose? And let me tell you if you are going to tell me the same--"

"Sorry to interrupt but I am not related to those six, Rather than that I am a part of your test."

"How come?"I asked.

He cleared his throat. "Bonjour! young lady. It was the first time I saw a feminine human trying to achieve master's powers... Well, allow me to introduce myself, I am Agapios. I am Oswald's faithful assistant. I will be accompanying you on your journey to Icetopia. If I would clarify you from the first stage only then you will climbing this mountain or else you shall be returning back. Now I would really appreciate it if you could just stop staring at me like that and care to introduce yourself missy?" With purple eyes and moving his head continuously, he looked at me constantly.

He kept on floating with a small lavender cloud.

"How can I trust you?" I said folding my arms.

"You've got some trust issues aan?" 

"Yes! I don't suppose that it is wrong to have any, Mr. Agapios!" I thought with this tone, he would probably kick me out this instant but I was not in a good mood, I couldn't control my frustration. Though I am glad that It didn't happen.

"Who do you think will have access to Mount Langston?"He said quickly.

"Well, that's kinda right.....My name is Faye Algate. I am here to retrieve my ancestor Oswald Algate's magic." I stated. My anger cooled down.

"Ah! Faye!Finally! The rumors were true..." He muttered and smiled.

"What did you say?" I moved forward trying to listen more carefully.

"Nothing--I mean--Yes, I know that, But Princess Faye my query remains the same, Why do you want to possess it?" He wondered.

"Then let me clear your query Agapios. I don't want Oswald's magic to rule over the world I need to use it to stop Sombra." I said

"Sombra Algate, your Uncle I presume?" He asked.

"Yes, Sombra Algate."I announced.

"But princess as you belong from the royals you already contain magic..."He spoke wondering.

"Precisely, but now as Sombra has addressed the tenth star, He has more power. He has kept Dicendia in sorrow and woe for too long." I declared my statement briefly. 

He nodded with a smile on his elf face.

"He indeed is a greedy person. He even tried to receive Oswald's magic," said Agapios.

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