Chapter 4: The Time to Depart

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In the years following my 15th birthday, Chan-Si-Fu began thinking about the time when I must depart. I had to leave Doomdark forest and start my trek to Callista to save Dicendia. He decided to send me not because I had become Mature, In fact, The truth was that I was still very childish but we couldn't delay more.

"Faye! Faye!" said Grandpa Chan worried.

I came downstairs Laughing and said, "Coming Grandpa! Why are you shouting?" I walked down the wooden staircase.

"I got worried. I thought that you got lost in the dense forest again," said Grandpa sitting on the chair with an umbrella standing right next to him.

"Oh! Come on Grandpa I have been living here for ten years, almost since a lot of time. I know my way here now." I said while patting Aspen on his back.

He didn't reply or say anything back. I wondered why?

He sighed and began.

"My dear Faye, after giving it some thought, I am convinced that it will be significant for you to travel to Callista now."

I choked my apple.

He continued, "Our world has been in darkness and mist for way too long now. This forest's holy part [Bernadette and Tabeedah] will be overtaken by sadness and a smoky aura in the future. In a year to be exact. It will become the same as Gorris Axar. All of its beauty, Those magnificent creatures and plants will die. I feel that the time has come for you to leave." said Chan-Si-Fu feeling despondent.

"Really! I..I... Grandpa Chan...... Are you sure?

I..I...I don't think I'm ready.....

I hesitated.

He said," You are ready Faye. It's Time to Depart, Faye! It's for the better good. I'll pack your items for you."

I felt happy, scared, and sad; all of my emotions were mixed up. I felt happy because I was

going to see Callista. I felt scared thinking that will I be able to defeat Sombra? and sad because now I had to leave Grandpa. What if I don't return?

He helped me pack my stuff. Coats, food, water, scarves, and other necessary items. Grandpa gave me a magical Ruby which had most of the memories and time that we had spent together.

I dressed up, wore my fern green robe[Green's my favorite], zipped up my snake leather boots, and wrapped a brown hand wrap around my hands. I wore my favorite clip The one with a green star and two lime leaves made of Rilestone. I clipped the enchanted stone of desire and hope[Rilestone]  that I found in Tabbedah in my hair and let my golden hair free.

I wished that Grandpa could come with me but he said that it couldn't be possible. I don't understand why...

Was he hiding something? But why would he... I hoped.

I whimpered so much, He helped me when no one else did. It wasn't easy to say goodbye to him.

"I'll miss you so much, Grandpa. but don't worry one time Sombra's defeated, you'll come and stay with us." I wailed and smiled.

"Me too Faye! Me too! I'm so grateful to God for blessing me with a granddaughter like you. You will defeat Sombra, I have faith in you!" he said sobbing.

"I won't break your trust, Grandpa Chan! I promise" I responded.

Grandpa kissed me on my forehead.

I and Aspen said our final goodbye waving to him.

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