"Those glasses are antique you know. I'll be taking the cost out of your money."

I lower my eyes submissively. "Of course you will, so sorry."

I hold a large shard of glass between my fingers enjoying a warm comforting glow. My hair covers my face and Gale bursts out laughing.

"Hey, fix your hair you look like a freak."

Flicking it back I walk towards the exasperated Oscar, who has his hands on his hips ready to give a lecture about professionalism, until he sees the glass. He holds his hands up fearfully before backing away.

"Look I don't know what your game is but we made a deal...maybe we should call the whole thing off."

"Good idea," I say.

He turns to implore Gale who delivers a swift punch to the side of his head. He reels back onto the bed while Gale winces, rubbing his hand. "Haven't done that for a while," he said. "I forgot how good it feels."

Oscar's eyes are riveted to the scene unfolding in front of him, "Don't hurt me," he begs. "Anything, I'll give you anything!"

I empty his wallet which contains a measly fifty pounds, "Is this all you've got?"

He nods frantically and I toss it to the floor in frustration. Gale pushes him down as he attempts to sit up.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cut you up," I say menacingly.

"I'm married," he trembles, "I have kids."

"Well you're not treating them too nice are you?"


I shake my head, "No time for I...I, are you sorry shithead?"

Oscar watches transfixed as Gale starts to rip the bed sheets into long strands. He attempts to sit up again and I push him viciously back down. Gale sets to work methodically, cheerfully securing his wrists to the bed posts. Oscar's face reddens with indignation and fear then freezes as my gaze meets his. I shake my head in disgust still sensing a lingering pocket of lust. You can never truly disguise a creep, no matter how they're packaged, the truth always slithers through.

"Sorry about this," offers Gale lamely as he pulls the ankles apart to bind.

"Fuck you, little Bastard!"

Gale stands before him wagging a finger. "That's no way to talk to someone who's got you tied up."

"Piss off!"

I frown having heard more than enough. I approach Oscar and lower my face. His breath is rank and I shut my nostrils off instinctively. He watches me warily and swallows hard. Gale walks over to the sink and gulps down a glass of water.

"Men like you make me sick to my stomach," I whisper.

He twists his head away and I snap it back.

"Look at me when I'm talking."

A smidgeon of bravery leaps from his lips which I can tell he instantly regrets, "Fuck you little slut!"

I roll my eyes while shaking my head, "Shitty attitude."

Pulling the glass into view I slice it quickly across his cheek. A long angry gash spills open and he winces bucking back and forth.

"I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you, Fucking bitch!"

Gale cackles, watching as I lean over him and spit into the cut. I hold my hand out for a flannel to stuff into the dribbling mouth. He is silenced, beaten and he knows it. He stops struggling and becomes quiet, accepting his punishment and ridicule.

Relief floods through him when he finally hears the door close, allowing a flood of angry tears.

Outside the air is cool and refreshing. Chinatown is bustling with tourists as usual but me and Gale are oblivious as we amble along hand in hand like heady lovers. I study his profile and wonder if he's my knight, somehow he doesn't quite fit the picture. Living on the street I've grown up quickly but I still manage to keep my inner kid intact always dreaming of fairy tales but so far I've never found any.

We head back to the office to split the takings. Both of us agreeing that the night has been kind of fun although the money could have been miles better.

'This is London,' I remind myself, 'and the streets sure aren't paved with gold...more like dog pooh.'

Lulu stomps past with a face like thunder it had obviously been a slow night. I bang on the window to call her inside.

"God did you have to do that?" moans Gale, "She really winds me up."

"That dear Gale could be us one day," I admonish.

"Yeah, I guess."

Lulu parks herself down heavily and sighs, "Hey."

"Hey Lu, what's up?"

"Anyone had a good night?"

We shake our heads. "Nothing going, it's shit out there."

Lulu orders a black coffee and lights a cigarette, she blows the smoke off to the side and crosses her legs.

"You know..." she says turning back to us, "Whoever invented ageing needs to be shot through the head."

"I know what you mean," I said. But I don't really, so far I've got nothing but time, my beauty will last, that I'm sure of, I've got an aura of luck around me and no low-life punter will ever change that.

Gale stands up abruptly, pushing his chair back. We watch him leave without saying a word. Both of us understand that he needs time on his own to unwind and let the evening go.

Kizzy fly by night.Where stories live. Discover now