they kiss exceptnthis isn't dreamnap anymore, its lightblaine

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Light was on his way to his house when he saw Blaine, sure he didn't have to approach him but Light did have a little crush on the male so he decided to start a conversation with him!
" Hey Blaine! How are you? " Blaine turned around, not expecting the voice of his crush. " O-Oh, hi Light!! I'm alright, you? " He smiled widely, for a bit of backstory ever since they met Blaine's always had a big fat crush on him! He's tried to ask Light out multiple times but he always chickened out.. Maybe he'd be able to ask Light out today! Hopefully..

" I'm fine, so, what are you doing? " He raised his eyebrow at the dirty blonde. " Nothing! I was actually waiting for you.. " Blaine tucked some hair behind his ear.
" Oh? What did you need me for? " Light chuckled.

Blaine got nervous and looked down, " I.. have something I need to tell you.. " He looked back up and stared into Light's eyes. " What is it? " Light smiled.

" I.. I like you Light! " He shut his eyes and basically shouted those words. The black haired was shocked, Blaine.. liked him.? " Y-You don't have to like me back or anything but I ju– " The blonde was cut off by soft lips pressed against his. He was shocked but soon kissed back. He'd been craving Lights lips for a long time, and now, he finally got to know what they felt like.
Light pulled away, leaving Blaine a bit sad, his lips longing for more. " Does that answer your question Blainey..? " Light smiled.

Then they smooch for a super duper long time and they fall in love the end!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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