Messing around

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Sapnap wakes up and realizes that He's holding hands with Dream but decides not to mention it

"Uhm...Dream..?" Sapnap mumbles to see if Dream would wake up.
Sapnap decides to take advantage of Dream sleeping and decides to gently kiss Dream's forhead so that he wouldn't wake up

Sapnap gets up and heads upstairs to go take a shower but stops in front of Dreams room. "Hmm....What if I stole one of Dreams hoodies?~" He walks into Dreams room and heads straight to the closet and secretly grabs his hoodie. Sapnap quickly runs out of Dream's room, hoodie in hand and runs to the bathroom to go shower.

Dream wakes up and looks around and hears the shower running, he thinks to himself: "Its probably Sapnap." He decides to get up and make some breakfast for himself not knowing if Sapnap wanted to eat or not.

Sapnap happily walks downstairs wearing Dream's hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, not knowing that Dream was awake he decides to take off the hoodie

(Note: Sapnap isn't wearing a shirt under the hoodie :) )

Dream looks over at Sapnap and sees that he's shirtless, Dream blushes because of how hot Sapnap looked without a shirt. "So you want anything to eat?" Dream mutters while still blushing. Sapnap looks over at Dream and realized that he was awake.
"OH GOD I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE AWAKE-" Sapnap yells. Sapnap blushes in embarrassment.  "You scared the crap out of me Dream.." *Dream starts laughing like the tea kettle he is* "Its not funny, im shirtless right in front of you" Sapnap says trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Well, I like what I'm seeing so" Dream accidentally says out loud.

Dream and Sapnap both blush but of embarrassment.

"I-I-I mean...That- That's fine, you don't have to put on the shirt or whatever back on." Dream manages to say without blushing profusely. "Are you sure? I mean I find it weird tha-" Sapnap gets cut off by Dream running to him and hugging him.
"Woah since when do you hug me?."Sapnap asks suprised. "I'm just trying to cover whats mine" Dream says jokingly, (but is it really supposed to be a joke?)

"I- Dream you know I'm not yours" Sapnap says while blushing. "Not yet~" Dream responds.
Sapnap starts blushing profusely, Dream notices and starts laughing at him.

"Dream just pay attention to your food."Sapnap says in embarrassment."OH SHOOT I FORGOT ABOUT MY FOOD" Dream runs to the stove and checks on his food to make sure its not burnt luckily, it's not.

Sapnap starts laughing at him but drops the hoodie on the floor. He quickly picks it up so that Dream can't see that its his hoodie but Dream manages to catch a glimpse of it and he asks himself how Sapnap got his hoodie but he doesn't mind, because after all, Dream might have a crush on Sapnap.

~It is now 11 p.m.~

Sapnap and Dream are just chilling watching some TV when Dream gets up and goes to grab a blanket since he knows that Sapnap might fall asleep.

"Where are you going Dream?"Sapnap asks him.

"I'm just going to get a blanket".

"Oh ok, just don't take too long, I hate being alone.."

"Don't worry Sapnap, im not gonna take too long, what, do you have separation anxiety?"

"I don't know. Do I?~"

"Whatever Sap.."

Dream walks upstairs to his room to go grab a blanket from his room, and he makes sure that its a big one that would cover both him and Sapnap under it.

(Their not going to do the dirty if that's what your thinking smh....Not yet anyways~)

Dream grabs the blanket and heads downstairs and sees Sapnap lied down on the couch.
"Are you gonna sleep on the couch or something?"

"If you want me to I can" Sapnap responds sounding kind of sad because he wants to sleep in the same room with Dream

"No, you can sleep in my room if you want" Dream says while laying down next to sapnap on the couch.

"Well then where would you sleep?"

"In my room with you of course"

"Ok then, also why are you laying next to me-"

"Because I can and I want to be with you"

"Wait do you mean tha-" Sapnap gets cut off by Dream

"Does it mean that I want to date you? Yes, that is what it means"

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