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   Sadie was incredibly suspicious of Mavis right about now. She glances around, sighing as she notices the teacher starting class. She turns back to the front of the class and glances over at Mavis. 'She seems completely unbothered.'

  The class passes by slowly for Sadie, who was completely overthinking the Mavis situation. 'What if she was helping spy on me?' The ringing of the bell almost makes Sadie jump. Mavis gives her a strange look as they both gather their things. They had the next two classes together after all.

  They walk through the hall to english together as if Sadie never left. It confused her honestly. She couldn't understand how Mavis could just be so carefree?

"Mavis, you're not mad at me?" Sadie stops abruptly in the middle of the hall as Mavis does and turns to look at her.

"Sadie I have no reason to be mad at you. You know, I've been staying with an academy team for the past couple weeks now." Sadie looks around, glad to see no other students were in the halls any longer. Turning back to Mavis, she runs a hand through her hair and shakes her head.

"No I didn't know. For the past week my mom has had people stalking me. A few days ago she tried to...finish the job herself.." Sadie shivers just remembering being stuck in that situation.

"That's shitty." Sadie laughs at the unexpected reply, and Mavis raises a brunette brow at her.

"What's so funny?" Sadie shakes her head as they make their way to their next class, now late as the bell rings loudly. They share a look and take off sprinting down the hall to english.


   After school she happily slides into the suv. Unsurprised to find Axel behind the wheel with a smile.

"How'd it go today?" Sadie smiles and hugs him quickly before buckling. He laughs and starts driving them home.

"It went super well. Mavis is really awesome." Sadie wasn't lying, she was so happy to have a friend like Mavis. She was laid back and understanding. Though, Sadie knew most kids their age shouldn't be so mature like that. She hopes one day Mavis will trust Sadie as much as Sadie trusts her.

"You said, Mavis?" Axel gives her a quick inquisitive look and she nods.

"Yeah, Mavis Locke." He nods his head, causing his braided hair to fall behind his back.

"Interesting. We'll be visiting the neighbors today; they're academy." Sadie was too happy to catch on to Axel's quick conversation change and nods her head.

  At their home, Sadie goes to her room and drops her bag before flopping onto her bed face first. She rolls over after a minute and grabs her homework from her bag. Sadly she had some math homework she needed to complete.

  As she's about to finish up a knock resounds on her door.

"It's Corey."

"Come in." Corey walks in and smiles at her with his hands stashed behind his back. Sadie raises a brow at him and sits properly on her bed.

"Whatcha got there?" She chuckles as he does and suddenly she'd not laughing anymore. In Corey's hands was an I-phone, and Sadie was speechless.

"After the hotel.. We thought it would be best if you could contact us." Sadie jumps up with an excited squeal and hugs Corey happily. 'A phone!'

"Thank you so much!" Corey laughs and gently caresses Sadie's head.

"You're welcome Dee." Corey soon leaves Sadie to explore her new device. She opens the phone to find it already set up, most likely thanks to Corey. The only contacts saved were each of her fathers, and she had no apps except the default ones. 'I'm so excited!'

  Two hours later and Sadie had successfully finished giving her phone a digital makeover. She's however distracted by a knock on the door and Brandon's voice through the door.

"We're going to the neighbors now Dee."

"Coming dad." She pockets her phone and opens the door to a smiling Brandon. They go down the stairs and leave the house together.

"Everyone's already over there." Sadie was confused by that but then she remembers that their neighbors were academy as well. 'They probably already know them.'

  When they arrive at their neighbors mansion, Brandon simply enters without knocking. Sadie follows hesitantly with a mildly shocked look on her face. She couldn't believe they were close enough not to knock.

"The party has arrived." Sadie hears a ton of laughter and some comebacks that made her giggle.

"Everyone meet Sadie." Sadie is entirely surprised by the amount of people in the room at the moment. Axel explains to Sadie that they were the Blackborne team before he introduced everyone properly to her.

"Look who finally decided to show up." A gasp escapes Sadie's mouth as she turns to find Mavis stood at the bottom of a staircase.

"Mavis!" She couldn't believe they were neighbors!


Joseph Manning stood in his dark office, now wrecked. His things were scattered and glass was broken across the ground. 'My daughter has been placed with an academy team!'

  His teeth grind as he clenches them in rage. How dare these people try to cloud his child's mind. He would not let his legacy belong to the academy.

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