Sergeant Jasper

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That night Sadie had fallen asleep waiting to go to the sergeant jasper. Marc and everyone had explained to Sadie that it was an academy owned hotel they once stayed in.

Now it was midnight, and Marc was driving himself and a sleeping Sadie to the jasper. The drive was a good twenty minutes and Marc had Sadie situated in his arms as he ascends in the elevator. On floor two, he steps off and wanders down to room 31.

Marc opens the door and hesitates as he steps pass the threshold. 'So many memories here.' He found Axel's old room and deposits Sadie on his still green covers, knowing she'd be more comfortable there. Back in the living room, Marc plops down onto the comfy couch and checks his phone.


Why choose her over me

Excuse me? Who is this?

I deserve you
Not her
Fuck you Marc
Youll regret it

Marc doesn't even try to reply, and instead sends a screenshot to the Toma team group chat.

                                    Toma Team

Brandon-> What the fuck
is that?

Axel-> Do you know who
sent it?

My only guess <-Marc
is Kaylie by the texting.

Corey-> Marc's right, it
does match her text patterns.

Brandon-> Ok nerd.

Ok nerd. <-Marc

Corey-> :(

Axel-> I suppose I'll be
making a call soon then.

Raven-> otpravlyat' Te
k ubiystvo v suka.

Corey-> Raven your
keyboard is on the Russian setting.
Corey-> I'm gonna go
help him.

Brandon-> Tell Dee I
love her Marc.

Will do, night. <-Marc

Axel-> Same from me,

Brandon-> Night.

Marc breathes better after talking to his brothers. He was glad to know they were on the same page and communicating for Sadie. Not only was it good for Sadie, but it was even better for them. They felt like a real family.

"Dad.." Marc looks up and over to find a sleepy Sadie standing at the other side of the couch. She had a blanket wrapped around her and her eyes were half closing.

"Sadie, why're you awake darlin?" Marc reaches out for her and she willingly cuddled into his side on the couch.

"Thirsty...why're you still up?" He looks over at the wall clock, the time reading 1:13 am. 'Time really passed.' Marc looks back down to Sadie and squeezes her against him by her opposite arm.

"Texting the guys. Let's get you a drink and then we'll go to bed." They stand up and Marc leads Sadie to the kitchen and fills her up a cup. She sips on it as he leads her back to Axel's room. With the cup on the nightstand, Marc tucks Sadie back into bed.

"Sleep good darlin." He bends and kisses her head like he's seen Axel do a hundred times and caresses her cheek as he pulls away.

"You too dad." Marc smiles and quietly leaves the room and enters his own. His room was just as he left it years ago. Mostly empty, a few rock posters still hung up on the walls. His black bedspread was still in a heap on his bed, so he straightens it out.

He lays back in his bed and decides trying to sleep is better than non stop thinking.


The next afternoon after a long day of finding nothing, Axel decides to call Kaylie. He was at the aquarium working late, trying to find any answers. He knew his only option was Kaylie. It just made it all the more worse to have to do.

Axel picks up his phone from off his desk and dials Kaylie's number. It was mildly surprising to see how quick she picked up.

"Hello? Axel?" Just hearing the sound of her voice makes Axel clench his jaw. He clears his throat before speaking monotonously.

"Kaylie, we need to talk." He didn't know how to broach such a subject with Kaylie.

"Talk? What about?" More than anything she wants to talk. Especially to any of the guys.

"About what you've done Kaylie." Axel hears her suck in a quick breath almost unnoticeable.

"I...I couldn't take care of her Axel.." He frowns and shakes his head. 'She's lying'

"Even if that were the should have told us." All he receives is silence and Axel sighs before getting back on track.

"Someone has been watching us the past few days. Know anything about that?" Axel leans back in his office chair.

"Axel, I barely even have enough money to buy myself food right now... Why do you always assume I've caused a problem?"

"Why do you always have to play the victim?" He takes a deep breath, silently exhaling as Kaylie didn't respond for a moment.

"You know how I grew up Axel.." Axel rolls his eyes. 'Yeah I know.'

"That's all I knew about you Kaylie. The guys and I grew up, it's sad to see that you haven't." A part of growing up is growing pass your trauma. The trauma that you believe shapes you, doesn't have to, it's a choice you make.

"Why are there people secretly watching us Kaylie?" He's had enough of this conversation.

"Why would I have any idea about that?" Her voice was monotone and Axel knew he wasn't getting anything out of her. At least, not in this way.

"I can't do this over phone. I need to see you Kaylie." Axel wants to throw up saying those words to her of all people. He knew however, that his change in tone and words would easily attract her.

"I wanna see you so bad...I've missed all of you." It was hard for Axel to play along with this, but he knew he had to get this information, for Sadie's sake.

"Tomorrow, breakfast, I'll send you the address." Kaylie giggles quietly, and Axel cringes. 'Best get this over and done with.'

"I can't wait." She hung up and Axel sets his phone down with a hung head. 'Just what have I gotten myself into?'


Kaylie excitedly pulls on her most flattering winter outfit the next morning. A breakfast date was in her schedule and she couldn't wait to get there. It's been years since she's even set eyes on one of her men. 'Hopefully Axel kept his hair.'

She checks her texts for the address and inputs it into her google maps before leaving. Unfortunately Kaylie didn't own a car currently, so she had to walk the whole way. Thankfully, the walk was only fifteen minutes, and it wasn't hot out.

Walking into the hole in the wall coffee shop, Kaylie immediately spots Axel. It wasn't hard for her to find any one of her guys in a room full of people. She confidently walks up to him and slides into the booth seat opposite him. His whiskey colored eyes look up from the menu and her breath leaves her as he smiles.

"Kaylie, good morning." She smiles and returns the salutations. A waitress grabs their drink order before any talking could be done and promises to be back in a couple minutes.

"How have you been Axel?" Kaylie watches his expressions, hoping to uncover anything. 'Maybe the team wants me back?' She thought her heart might beat out of her chest she was so excited.

"I've been..good, you?" Truthfully, she was hoping he'd been much less than good.

"Really good actually.." Or not.

"I've missed you, and the guys, all of them. Please Axel." Kaylie wasn't exactly below a little groveling. She needs this.

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