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"You've got school today." It was nearing 6:30 in the morning now and Sadie wipes her eyes from any leftover tears. She had completely forgotten that her stay with Axel had so far only consisted of one weekend.

"I'll drive you, I've gotta stop by somewhere." Sadie nods and stays sat while Axel disappears down the hall. Dahlia takes the moment to jump onto the couch. Sadie scoops her up gently and sets her down on her lap. She gives Dahlia pets for the next ten minutes waiting for Axel.

Axel comes back out dressed up in black slacks, a wine red dress shirt, and black dress shoes. He also had a brown warm looking knee length coat on. Sadie watches him secure a shiny expensive looking watch to his wrist before he looks up.

"Ready?" Sadie nods, grabs her bag, and joins Axel as he leaves the house. They ride in the suv with the radio playing quietly in the background.

"Where are you going?" Sadie didn't want to worry, but she was somewhat concerned Axel wouldn't come back. Axel hums and reaches over to mess up Sadie's hair.

"Gonna meet with Brandon. I'll be back to pick you up after school, so don't worry." Sadie truly didn't understand how well Axel could read her emotions. Though she was also very curious about Axel's team he had spoke previously about.


Axel drops Sadie off at her middle school and sends her off with a wave. He drives off, making his way to where he knew Brandon would be. He arrives at Brandon and North's shared garage and puts his suv in park. He sits there for moment, taking a breath before exciting his vehicle.

He enters the garage quietly and spots North bent over the front of a car. Axel glances around the garage, not immediately spotting Brandon.

"North." Axel cringes as North's head shoots up and bangs against the hood of the car. A loud groan is heard from him as he turns around with a glare.


North's glare turns into a surprised expression and Axel walks forward a few steps.

"Sorry to be a bother North, is Brandon in?" North stood in confusion against a customers car as Axel asks for Brandon. As far as North knew, none of them were still in contact. So for Axel to show up out of nowhere...

"He should be back soon. Went out to grab a part." Axel nods before pointing towards the garage office space.

"I'll be waiting in your office." North nods and Axel walks off to the office, leaving North to do his own thing.

North quickly grabs his phone from his pocket and messages Brandon.


Axel is waiting for you in the office.

You're serious?


Did he say what he wanted?

Wants to talk to you.

I'll be back soon.

North pockets his phone and gets busy until Brandon returns. Not long later, North is wiping his hands of grease and welcoming Brandon back. Brandon hands him the part they need for the car silently with his gaze locked on the office.


"He's been waiting since I texted you." Brandon nods his thanks to North and bites the bullet. He walks toward the office and opens the door slow enough so Axel knows it's him. As the door fully opens, Axel's well dressed frame was stood and facing Brandon as he came in.

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