Burning rage

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Days later and Marc was more than happy to be able to have his full movement back. Being restricted was not something he enjoys.

It was a Wednesday afternoon and Marc had called and asked Axel if he could pick Sadie up from school and come over. Marc was glad to hear how thrilled Axel was with the idea. He was specifically told that Sadie was also ok with it, he didn't want to surprise her or anything.

He sat out in his truck, having shown up earlier than pick up time. He strums his fingers on his wheel along to the quiet classic rock playing in the background. Marc was glad that Sadie didn't seem all that uninterested in getting to know him. 'She just seems a little shy.'

Ten minutes later, Marc watches Sadie bounce cutely out of the school. Her hands were wrapped around her bag straps and she was smiling while skipping her way towards his truck. She plops into the passenger seat and gets situated while Marc takes off.

"Did you have a good day darlin?" She warms her hands close to the vents and Marc reaches forward and turns it all the way up. Leaning back in her seat, Marc smiles as she giggles.

"I did, aaaand....I passed the quiz Axel helped me study for!" Marc cheers with Sadie and lifts a hand for a high five, which she gladly gives.

"Awesome job darlin, proud of you." He ruffles her hair before focusing fully on the road.


Sadie's chest felt warm, her cheeks matching as she fills with happiness. No one had ever told her that they were proud of her before, it was a very fulfilling feeling.

Sadie sat quietly and listens to the classic rock. At least two of her father figures seem to have similar taste in music. The ride was short and she was glad to finally be home for the day.

Inside Sadie didn't find anyone around and pouts in confusion. The last few days after school everyone had been around when she got home. She turns back to Marc with a tilt to her head and he chuckles at her.

"They're out on a quick mission, nothing serious. Should be back by the time we finish dinner. If you'd like to help?" She nods quickly and follows right behind Marc into the kitchen. Sadie stands there as Marc rummages through a kitchen drawers.

"Ever make spaghetti before?" Sadie shakes her head, in fact, she's never really made anything before. 'Hopefully this goes well.'

The father and daughter duo work around the kitchen, making spaghetti and garlic bread to go along. Sadie sits proudly on the counter as Marc pulls the finished bread from the oven. Food was done and she perks up as she hears the door opening.

Jumping from the counter she runs to the door and hugs everyone as they come through the door.

"Welcome back. We made dinner!" Sadie excitedly pulls Axel and Corey by their arms into the kitchen to a laughing Marc.

"Made dinner just for us sweets? You shouldn't have." Axel kisses her head and ruffles her hair before beginning to reach for tableware. She smiles and swipes at Raven's hand as he went to mess with her hair as well. He deeply chuckles and messes her hair up anyways, leaving Sadie to pout as he got food.

"Don't pout Dee, will you sit by me while we eat?" Brandon playfully elbows Sadie's side while presenting a made plate to her. She grabs it surprised and stands there as he walks away to get his own plate. It would always confuse Sadie when these father figures in her life were so kind. Her previous one was more the none present kind of parent.

Sadie finds a spot by Brandon and everyone eats their dinner together. She was so glad to have a family to be able to sit with and be near. Sadie could hardly believe that this was her life now. With her mom, she had finally given up on being an actual child. With the Toma team however, she knew she had all of them to fall back on. Knew they would be there for her.

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