New developments

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     'I have a daughter...this was unexpected to say the least.'

   Joseph sat in his office chair with a massive headache. One hand was gripping his hair while the other held up a photo of Sadie and Mavis together at school. His focus however, was not on the girl for his job, but the one beside her.

Mavis Locke held quite a bit of resemblance to himself; which was what brought on his curiosity in the first place. His curiosity only lead him to find that his ex wife had his child. Joseph wasn't one hundred percent sure what he was supposed to do about this.

  The girl was now twelve, her mother lain basically dead in the hospital. Worst of all, his piece of shit older brother was supposedly taking care of her. Supposedly being the key word of course.

  Joseph could spot an academy member with a glance. He knew they were starting to get involved in Mavis's life. 'My daughter shouldn't belong to those bastards.'

  Joseph also knew however, that his life was no life for a child. Unfortunately he couldn't get pass his own anger to care. 'The academy will pay.'

"Diez!" Joseph tosses any photos of just Sadie into his trash as Diez comes walking in.

"Volto sir."

"Call Rocky, tell him the deals off. I've got more important things to deal with."


"What do you mean he backed out?" Kaylie was the most calm she'd ever been. Of course it was out of utter shock. Why was no one able to this for her?

"Something important came up..." Kaylie sucks in a breath and it comes out as a laugh.

"Of course! Of fucking course!" She hangs up before Rocky can say anything more to piss her off. She stands still for a moment before her body starts to shake in rage. She couldn't control herself anymore and a scream fills the run down house. Crashes of things hitting the floor and walls can be heard in between her anger screams.

"Why can't anything go right!!" Kaylie destroys her entire living room in her rage induced state.  Not bothering to clean a thing up as she collapses tiredly into her dingy bed. Her body felt heavy but lightweight at the same time, she stares blankly at the wall as she lays there. 'I'm going to kill that little bitch.'


  Axel hangs up the phone with Phil with a sigh. Days have gone by and they've gotten nothing, they've hit a wall. He didn't know what to make of it, even the pictures had stopped. 'Maybe Kaylie called it off?' He sighs and pockets his phone while standing from his kitchen bar counter.

"Phil know anything?" He looks at Marc's downcast expression and understands completely how he's feeling. Each of them just wants this over so they can really get to know their daughter.

"No nothings come from their end of things either." They join the other two on the sectional in the living room and he leans back into the couch.

"Maybe...maybe they've stopped?" Corey was the first to bring it up. After days now, it's all any of them wanted to believe. They all go silent for some time, thinking up any possible answers.

"It's a possibility, but we've still gotta keep a close eye out." Axel couldn't wait any longer for something to either happen, or not happen. He just wants to see Sadie.

"So I can call Brandon?" Axel nods to Marc, who excitedly leaves the room while getting on his phone.


"I cannot wait to see malen'kiy krolik." Raven was more than happy to have this stupid mission over with. Though he would have preferred to finish the mission and properly dispose of whoever was stalking his krolik.

  He was also very happy to have his brothers back. Being around everyone felt right, and now Sadie would be a part of that. Corey leans into Raven's side, sighing gladly with a small smile. He puts his arm behind Corey and runs his hand through his hair.

"Are you happy moya lyubov'?" Corey snuggles even closer, nodding his head.

"Very, I can't wait to see Sadie." Raven nods in agreement.


   Sadie happily packs her things up at the sergeant jasper. Brandon had just got done telling her that they're going back to Axel's house. She was glad to be able to see everyone again.

  Brandon told her that the stalker has seemingly given up. They haven't seen anyone around in the last few days and nothing has been out of the ordinary. Sadie couldn't wait for everything to get back to normal. A week of hiding, not going to school, not seeing anyone, Sadie was ready for it to be over.

  She wanders back into the living area when she finishes. Brandon had went out some time ago to grab some things, and had left Sadie to get ready to go.

  Sadie startles when she hears a knock on the door of the apartment. With suspicious eyes she backs from the living room and takes off to  Marc's room quietly. Her body starts to shake as she hears the door being broken open.

  Quickly, Sadie shoves herself under the bed and stays as quiet as possible. She could only hope Brandon would be back soon. Sadie could hear a muffled voice coming from the apartment. She didn't have any clue who was inside with her right now.

Footsteps sounding down the hall cause Sadie to gasp and cover her mouth. She hears as the person goes through each room before the one she was hidden in. Deep down, she knew she wasn't getting out of this undiscovered.

  She pushes herself as far back under the bed as she could get as she hears the door knob twisting. The door opens and she presses harder on her mouth as a pair of run down sneaker enters her vision.

"I know you're in here you little brat." Sadie barely stops the gasp of horror from escaping her mouth. Her moms familiar malicious tone would never leave her mind.

"Just come out already." Without warning, Kaylie's face comes into Sadie's vision and she screams in terror.

"Come here!" Sadie screams more as Kaylie reaches under the bed and grabs her by her clothes. As she's pulled from under the bed, Sadie continues to scream and kick.


"Dad!" She hears Brandon's voice and she knows she'll be ok. Sadie gasps as a sharp pain hits her thigh and she stops fighting as she spies blood leaking from her leg. Everyone goes still as Brandon barges into the room to find Kaylie over Sadie with a knife.

"Kaylie what the fuck!" Brandon goes to get to Sadie, when she's roughly pulled in front of Kaylie with the knife to her throat.

"Don't move Brandon! Or I'll fucking kill the little bitch!" Sadie cries helplessly in Kaylie's tight grip as Brandon watches on, feeling exactly the same.


"Kaylie please stop.." Brandon tries to make himself seem less intimidating, crouching down to the same level.

"Sadie hasn't done anything wrong. We're the ones you should be mad at. The guys and I." Kaylie shakes her head drastically from side to side.

"No! She's ruined everything for me!" Brandon was losing this battle and he knew it. Kaylie was not someone who he could reach in her state. 'Hopefully the guys will be here soon.' His blue eyes worry over the bloody cut running along Sadie's thigh. 'Real soon.'

"She's the reason Blake left me! She's the reason you and everyone else will never forgive me!" Brandon didn't know what to say. Of course he would never forgive her for this, but that's not something he should mention at this time.

"Of course we'd forgive you Kaylie." In shock, Brandon turns around and glares at Axel. 'The hell is he saying?' He's distracted however, by a hand landing on his shoulder. Corey explains the plan through his identical blue eyes.

"'d forgive me?"


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