A father's daughter

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Marc grunts as he limps through the hospital halls beside Corey, Raven, and Brandon. They were driving him to Axel's place, where he would be staying and recovering. Honestly he was shitting bricks at this point.

His anxiety increases tenfold when they finally got out of the hospital and on the road. Corey was sat in the back with him and Marc tries his best not to let his leg bounce. He sighs and looks over to Corey, who in fact was already looking his way with a smile.

"You good Marc?" He purses his lips. Marc wants to be more open with his brothers this time around. Miscommunication almost ruined them last time after all.

"I'm...really nervous.." Marc looks away, unable to see what's on Corey's face. Realistically, Corey nor any of his brothers would purposely make fun of him, and he knew that. Most of the time.

"Trust me Marc, you weren't the only one. We all were nervous meeting Sadie for the first time. She's our daughter after all." Corey had grown a lot since Marc had last spoken to him.

"Moya lyubov' is correct. Malen'kiy krolik is very sweet. Do not worry so much." Marc sighs and leans back tiredly into the truck seat.

'Worrying is all I do.'

They made it to Axel's house first, Brandon helping him sit on the couch. Marc sinks into the comfortable brown couch and leans his head back. His side was starting to feel painful by now, the drugs wearing off.

"Need another pain pill?" Marc's mismatched eyes open and spot Corey standing to the side of his sat form.

"I haven eaten yet..." In fact Marc had barely eaten the hospital food for lunch, it wasn't exactly the best food around.

"Axel and Sadie are picking up pizza." Marc nods silently and turns his head as the couch dips beside him. A grey tabby cat sniffs his sweatpants covered leg and rubs its head gently against it.

"Dahlia." Marc almost jumps as Raven's voice comes from beside him. His tattooed hand comes down and pets Dahlia.

"Didn't take Axel for a cat guy."

"That's what I said." The place goes quiet as Raven joins Marc on the couch to pet Dahlia. Corey was sat at the bar top typing away on his laptop, something about an easy online mission. Brandon was busy looking through something on his phone while leaning against the counter next to Corey.

Marc startles awake by the front door opening. He blinks rapidly and groans in pain as his side flares up. Axel was in front of him quickly, Corey hovering behind Axel's shoulder.

"Marc...Marc what's wrong?" He points at his side with clenched teeth. 'Fuckin hurts.' Corey took off and returned, handing him a pain pill. Marc dry swallows it and wipes a bead of sweat off his forehead before slumping further into the couch.

"Here, you've gotta eat with it." His eyes open to a slice of pepperoni pizza in his face. He thanks Axel and as he bites into the pizza, his brain catches up finally. His eyes immediately search around the room.

They land on Sadie, sat on the floor petting Dahlia. All his attention was now focused on Sadie. Her dark brunette hair was gorgeous and her eyes...she had his eyes. 'She's beautiful.' Marc couldn't believe that he had been apart of making such a perfect human. If only her mother could have been more of a decent person.

Marc gets nervous as Sadie's identical mismatched eyes meet his. She had a shy, concerned expression and Marc smiles through his fading pain.


"It's nice to finally meet you Sadie, my name's
Marc." Sadie gave Marc her full attention.

"Are you ok...Marc..?" She wasn't sure how he would feel about her calling him by his actual name, but she hopes he doesn't mind. Her fears were lifted quickly though as Marc continued conversing with her.

"Just got a little beat up on the job, I'll be alri.." Sadie stands and gets closer as Marc bends forward and grasps his side with a gasp. She doesn't get too close as Axel steps forward and helps him lean back again. Marc coughs and winks at Sadie.

"Nothin I can't handle darlin." Sadie giggles slightly and it's interrupted by a yawn. Multiple chuckles are heard from around the room and Sadie pouts.

"None of that sweets. How about grabbing a shower before heading for bed? You've got school tomorrow." Sadie nods her head with another yawn.

"Goodnight everyone. Feel better Marc." Sadie disappears down the hall with a smile on her face, listening to different versions of goodnight as she goes. She showers quickly, not bothering with her clean hair before laying down with Dahlia in her bed and falling asleep.


"Here Sadie, I thought you might like it." It was Sadie's tenth birthday. This was the first ever birthday that anyone has given her a gift. She was more than excited to accept the plush bunny from her fathers hand.

"Thank you so much dad..." Sadie bit her lip as her dad's face contorted to something angry. She didn't understand what she did wrong, she only thanked him.

Without a response her dad left the room and didn't bother to even show himself for the rest of the day. Her mom did the same thing she did every year and simply pretended the day wasn't of any importance.

At the end of the day, Sadie lied in her bed, tears cascading down her cheeks. What did that say about her if no one wanted to celebrate her birthday?

'Why do my parents hate me?'


Sadie woke up in the middle of the night with a dry throat. She dazedly uncovers and shuffles from her room and down the hall. She blinks as the tv light shines in her face, the talking of characters on the tv barely being heard.

Her eyes adjust and she spies Marc's form sitting up. Sadie wasn't sure if he was even awake. She went into the kitchen and got a small drink to wet her throat and found her way back into the living room. Approaching the couch, Sadie sees Marc's eyes closed and she smiles. 'Who falls asleep sitting up?'

Sadie grabs the throw from the back of the sectional and gently lays in over Marc. She turns away and picks up the remote, going to turn off the tv.

"Are you alright?" Sadie jumps as Marc's deep tired voice penetrates the almost silent room. She turns and takes a step back shyly.

"I got thirsty.." Marc stretches his arms up and yawns widely. He nods and goes to push himself up from the couch. Sadie's eyes widen and she puts her hands out in worry.

"You...you probably shouldn't.." Sadie can't say she knew a thing about what he should or shouldn't do. Moving however, seems to her like something he shouldn't be doing too much of right now. At least by himself...and Sadie was too small for that.

"It's alright...let's get you back to bed huh?" Sadie was speechless as Marc stood best he could and motions for her to lead the way. It took them a few minutes longer than usual to make it down the hall to Sadie's room, for obvious reason of course.

Sadie gets back under her covers and gently strokes Dahlia's back. Marc was sat just on the edge of the bed, leaning on it with his good side.

"Sleep good darlin." Marc strokes Sadie's brunette hair and pulls away to leave.

The father-daughter duo both go back to sleep with smiles on their faces; and the only dreams that come to Sadie's mind, are good ones.

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