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two years, almost three, had passed. i still haven't heard about Yeji, i hope she's doing well.

Jisoo had fully recover from the incident and is living happily together with her girlfriend, Rosé.

as for Nayeon, we're still in touch, along with her other friends. but i've actually gotten closer with her friend Chaeyoung too. she also has a girlfriend named Mina.

i miss you, Yeddeong. i hope you're doing well~

i don't know if Nayeon is still in touch with Yeji though, but if they still are, i won't ask. i respect Yeji's privacy.

i didn't realize that i was wandering around a familiar street and came across a place that i haven't and will not forget, the cafe.

i came inside and surprised to see how it changed, it was completely renovated.

"Ryujin?" a familiar voice called.

i turned around to see Mr. Park, waving at me while smiling.

"Mr. Park!" i happily called as i walked towards him.

"how are you?" he asked, "are you surprised about the place? it's still standing!" he chuckled as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"i heard about what happened to you, i'm glad you're alright. why dont we sit down and chat-chat for a while?" he said as he sat down on a chair.

this spot is familiar to me; it's where i always have my meals.

"Mr. Park?" i started the conversation,

"yes?" he smiled.

"is Yeji still working here?" i hesitated.

i noticed his smile fading and he broke our eye contact.

"she just vanished, she left without saying anything; but she did left a letter." he explained, reaching to his pocket and handing me something. "she wanted me to give this to you." he smiled.

i slowly opened the letter to see a long message for me, and i knew it was written by Yeji because of her lovely handwriting.

"Ryujin, my darling,

if you're reading this, you probably came back now. but the time has come for me to write the words i never thought i'd have to write. saying goodbye to you that seems like tearing a piece of my heart away, and i worry it may never heal entirely.

our journey together has been filled with memories that i will cherish for the rest of my life. you've become an important part of my life, a lesson, from the fun we shared, to the quiet moments of understanding. unfortunately, life has its own plans for me, and they are taking me to a different path, one that will sadly take me away from you.

please understand that this is not an easy decision for me. the love we've shared, the memories we've made, will always have a special place in my heart. i want you to remember us with a smile on your face, okay? i want you to remember the joy we brought into one other's lives, not with sadness.

i will carry the love we shared with me as i begin this new chapter. it will be my light of hope in times of doubt and my strength when faced with challenges. distance may separate us physically, but the connection that we've made together keep our hearts united.

this isn't the end of our journey together, my love. i feel that fate has a habit of surprising us, and who knows what lies ahead? please take care of yourself, i have no doubt that you will continue to shine flawlessly, bringing joy and warmth to those who are lucky enough to know you. in the meantime and keep the spark of our love glowing. 'til we meet again, Ryuddaeng.

with all of my heart, Hwang."

i held the letter with nervous hands as i read the words one by one.

"are you okay?" Mr. Park wiped the tears off my cheeks with a tissue.

"y-yes, thank you." i said, my voice trembling.

"you miss her, don't you?" he asked,

"i miss her, a lot. but now that i'm back, i don't know how to find her." i covered my face, losing hope.

"come here." Mr. Park said. i sat beside him and he gave me a comforting hug.

"listen, giving up is not an option here! do not lose hope. i'm here for you, fighting!" Mr. Park raised his voice with passion, patting my shoulder. then the customers looked at him, confused.

"fighting.." he whispered, i laughed as he smiled at me.

"thank you, i'll be going now." i said, folding the letter that i received from him and put it in my pocket.

"tell me if you both reunited, i miss her as well. and her cooking." he chuckled, i gave him a thumbs up and waved him goodbye and he did as well.


"are you sure you searched everywhere? places you both went? places that she might've went? have you talked with Lia? how about your sister Chaeryeong-" i cut Jisoo off by smacking her on the back of her head.

"are you stupid? Chaeryeong is at a different country and Lia is too! apparently they've been friends and decided to catch up." i rolled my eyes and Jisoo chuckled.

"but have you... checked her mom's place?" Jisoo asked,

well, i did searched everywhere except for that place.

"you're a genius!" i hugged Jisoo.

"i'm genius or you're dumb as fuck?" she chuckled, i smacked her again.

"well, let's go then." she said, walking out of her house.

"you're coming?" i asked,

"duh! everyone misses her, including me." she raised her eyebrow before going into her car. "hop in." she signaled me to go to the passenger seat.

"i missed driving this baby, Daegu here we come!" she smirked as she started to drove off.


"we're almost there, are you ready?" Jisoo asked, "woah there, you're turning pale." she looked at me.

who wouldn't be nervous seeing your love of your life again after nearly three years without communication?

"i'm just nervous.." i smiled nervously.

"you're nervous? how come you're not nervous when you fucked he-"

"ZIP IT! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" i screamed as Jisoo laughed.

as Jisoo slowly stopped, the place was so familiar. and it made my heart.. beat faster.

"get out of the car and stop being a pussy!" Jisoo said as she signaled me to get out of her car.

"aren't you coming?" i asked, confused.

"i'll wait for you here. just go! leave or i'll drag you to her mom's place." she said, sounding desperate.

"yeah yeah, stop crying now." i said, slamming the door.

because of the wind, i got goosebumps. but i eventually arrived at their house.

i was just standing at the front door, trying to find the right time to knock, when i suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Ryujin? is that you?"

her | RyejiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora