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"boom." she said while we were sitting down on the couch beside each other, both of my legs were on Ryujin's lap as she sang with her guitar.

"your voice is so amazing Ryujin-ah!" i praised her lovely voice while clapping at the same time, and she gave me an ear-to-ear smile.

"thank you, baby." she gave me a peck on the cheek.

we have been together for a long time, but i still can't believe that we're living in together under the same roof. i'm hoping to celebrate our 1st anniversary since it's only a few months away.

"i'm sorry if i don't have time for you anymore, baby.." she looked at me with guilty eyes.

"hey, hey... it's okay.." i cupped her cheek as she hugged me tight.

"you know that i'm doing this for you right? for us? i want our future to be secured.. but i really can't bare to not see you for months.." she said.

"i know Ryujin.. but you really want to become a idol, right? if you're passionate about something, it'll be easy!" i tried to cheer her up, squeezing her chubby cheeks.

"i promise once that everything is alright, i'll make it up to you." she stared at me.

"hey, it's okay.." i gave her a reassuring smile. "we'll get through this, baby. and we'll fight 'til the end, okay? i'll support you no matter what happens, i love you." i gave her a peck on the lips.

"i'm so happy today.." she looked down, smiling.

"and why's that?" i giggled.

"because i was able to be with you again despite my busy schedule trying to get into JYPe.." she said in a comforting voice.

"wow, my Ryujinie will become an idol soon!" i pat her head.

"i think it's going to be hard.." she pouted.

"oh? why's that?" i asked,

"many people would try to seperate us from each other you know.." she said while strumming her guitar.

"no one will seperate us, silly." i laughed.

"are you sure?" she said.

i nodded happily in response.

"go on, sing me a song that you wrote." i said, excitedly.

"okay.. this one is called, Trust Me." she chuckled.

"mhmm, go on.." i stared at her side profile as she prepared the chords for the song.

she inhaled, then exhaled.

"i'll be starting with the 2nd verse, is it okay for you?" she asked,

"go with whatever you're comfortable with." i replied.

"Whenever I see you smiling at me
It just makes me smile like you
Oh I feel love~

What I feel for you
Even when I'm acting
Like a child and be free

You take me just as who I truly am
Mistakes and all

Melting my heart
With your warming embrace

I can't ask for anything more
Nothing more~"

wow, the lyrics.. feels so comforting.

"It's you and I~
Now is the moment for you and I

More than anyone else tight as the two can be

MIDZY, I know
Oh, we trust one another~

Thank you for trusting in me"

she ends the song with a nice strum, then she turned to look at me.

"what's 'MIDZY'?" i asked,

"ooh, it'll be the name of my fans of course." she winked at me as i raised my eyebrow.

"but, i wrote the song for you." she slowly reached for my hand then intertwined with my fingers.

"but why's it MIDZY then? it could've been my name, 'Yeji, i know~.. we trust one another-'"

she smacked the back of my head while laughing.

"duh! you'll become one of my fans too, right?" she said while smiling widely.

"ooh, you got me there." i laughed. "i'll be your first fan when you finally debuted as an idol, Ryuddaeng." i looked at our intertwined hands.

"silly, you'd always be my first." Ryujin chuckled, she slowly lifted our hands and kissed the back of my hand.

"i am?" i asked, trying to hide my smile from her.

"of course you are, baby." she rested her head on my shoulder.

it's been a long time since we've hangout like this, so i'm happy because she had time for me right now.

"baby, i have a question." she said.

"what is it?" i asked,

"what if.. we got seperated?" she looked up at me.

"i told you, we won't be seperated-"

"i'm scared, Yeji-ah.." she said with a trembling voice.

"why are you scared? it's not that it's true, right?" i looked at her, meeting her eyes.

"yeah but, i'm just asking.. we don't know what will happen you know.."

"if we got seperated then, i hope we seperate with good terms." i said, then she chuckled.

"what?" she giggled.

"i don't want us to seperate with bad terms you know? i love you too much that i can't hold a grudge against you." i explained. "even if we end up walking in different paths, i'll still support you until the end." i gently wrapped my arms around her then i hugged her, but i felt my arms getting wet.

"hey.. why are you crying?" i asked,

"nothing.. i'm just so scared, you know that i don't want to lose you.." she hugged me back.

i put her guitar beside her then i slowly sat on her lap, facing her. i wiped her tears with my thumb.

i licked my finger and she smacked my shoulder gently.

"why did you do that?!" she stared at me with shock as i burst out laughing.

"you finally laughed, baby. your tears taste so salty." i laughed.

her eyes were swollen from crying so much but she still managed to smile at me.

"i just can't help to overthink about these things, love." she buried her face into my neck, her hands were on my waist.

"you won't lose me, baby.." i pecked her lips. when i tried to pull back she stopped me by placing her hand at the back of my head, deepening the kiss.

when the air was getting thin, we pulled away from each other.

"i can't afford to lose you." Ryujin said as she locked eyes with me.

"you won't, i'm all yours."



a/n: hello! sorry for the late update, i'm sick atm. but i hope you enjoyed this chapter! and btw, this book is almost finished. just a few more chapters. :)

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