Chapter 15: We're Off (Revised)

Start from the beginning

Pyrrha looked to Jaune as she covered her mother and some civilians.

Pyrrha: Yeah!?

Jaune: You got a grenade or dynamite!?

Pyrrha checked her pouches and found a few bundles of dynamite.

Pyrrha: I got some dynamite!

Jaune: Pass it!

Pyrrha crawled to Jaune handing the dynamite as he gave some new orders.

Jaune: I'm going over, cover me!

Arslan: What!?

Jaune then jumped over their debris cover running towards the Paladin, dynamite in hand with only his pistol out as his rifle was on his back.

Pyrrha: Jaune!?

Nora: Fearless leader!?

Everyone looked over the debris covering Jaune as he ran to the Paladin, dodging or absorbing the hits with his Aura.

Bolin: What is that fool doing!?

Jaune then jumped on the Paladin's arm.

Jaune: Here you go!

Jaune then threw the dynamite all over the Paladin, some falling to its feet.

Nadir: What is this guy doing!? Is he trying to get killed!?

As Jaune kept getting it in the back by Dust rounds with him jumping off and to the ground.


Jaune then hit the detonator.


The dynamite then exploded with everyone taking cover as the dynamite destroyed the Paladin alongside the groups of Atlas AKs and soldiers next to it.

Jaune was sent flying forward as he crashed onto the floor.

Pyrrha: Jaune! 

Pyrrha jumped over the debris grabbing Jaune being covered, slinging him over her shoulder and running back to cover.

Reese: Jeez dude! What were you thinking!?

Jaune groaned a little before giving an answer.

Jaune: Paladin's down, no?

Everyone looked over as they saw the destroyed Paladin in flames, what they didn't see was an injured marine Platoon coming from behind the flames.

Marine 1: Damn, what the hell caused this?

The marine group then heard movement.

Marine 2: Who's there!?

Marine Captain: Wait, Flash!

Nora: Thunder!

Marine 1: We got friendlies!

The marines rushed to the debris to see ABRN, JNPR and about 10 civilians all together.

Marine Captain: Damn, you kids got to work. Who destroyed that Paladin?

Jaune then raised his hand.

Jaune: I did sir.

The captain then chuckled a little.

MC: Son, I believe you're getting a medal for that. Anyways, who you getting orders from?

Jaune: Colonel Newport...

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