Chapter 5 Brothers

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A couple hours later
After a doctor was there to help...Sora was not resting in bed maki by his side... holding his hand...

Sora: "I-I'm scared...Maki"

Maki: "Talk to me...We know what Takeshi did...he also saved you because he felt horrible for doing that to you and betraying Saki....But I promise I will protect you...."

Sora: "T-They Cut my back o-open while I was awake...t-they didn't even give me anything against the pain...I-I killed so many people...I-I was so scared .."

Maki: "It's okay....You don't have to experience that anymore...I promise...they deserved what they got...."

Sora: "T-There we're so many other Gifted People...I-I felt so bad seeing all that..."

Maki: "I must've been scary...I promise we will try to free them all and expose the president for what he's done..."

Sora: "C-Can You remove this collar...I think it's a tracker..."

Maki nodded immediately freezing the collar breaking it.

Maki: "Is that better?"

Sora: "Maybe we should Also Move places...we don't know if they are already on us...You mentioned that you had a place...Maybe we could go to yours instead"

Maki: "I think that's a great idea. Let's go tell the others okay?"

Sora: "I can't really walk...Can You carry me?"

Maki: "Of course~"

Sora was clearly in a lot of pain and discomfort holding onto Maki with a weak grip from how much he was drained...

Maki picked Sora up gently and carried him into the living room.

Takeshi sitting alone in the corner of the room pulling his hair out from frustration saki on the couch not knowing what to say or do to make him stop

Saki: "Takeshi stop please....I don't want to use my power on you but I will if you won't stop..."

Takeshi's scalp was already a bit bloody from how hard he pulled on his hair...

Sora raised a brow at what he saw...

Sora: "What is going on...?"

Saki: "He's extremely upset about what he did and won't stop self harming....Takeshi stop now!"

Saki used his powers to stop Takeshi and made him stand up and sit on the couch next to him.

Saki: "You wouldn't be doing this to yourself if you loved me! How do you think I feel seeing you like this?! This is hurting me too y'know!!"

Takeshi: "i-i can't live with this guilt...I-I have to go back there...My brother is still there..."

Sora: "Brother? You got a brother?"

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