The Chariot Parade (Universal POV)

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First to come out are district one, they are dressed in costumes that shimmer with jewels, showing of the wealth of their district. District 2 appear in beautifully crafted silver armour, and they hold axes and swords. This isn't as good as the costume they had last year, I expect the stylist will be disappointed with this one. District 3 wear black suits with flashing lights, but this isn't really any different from any other year. District 4 girls are dressed as mermaids, while the boys are topless and they hold golden tridents. District 5 are dressed as scientists with huge glasses, it gets a laugh from the crowd, but the costume isn't very impressive. The district 6 tributes are wearing mechanics uniforms, and the District 7 tributes are dressed as trees, an extremely boring outfit. District 8 tributes wear costumes of various different textures to show their craftsmanship. District 9 wear shimmering gold costumes that look like corn, a great design from their stylist this year, and the crowd go wild. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the new style in the Capitol tomorrow morning! District 10 are dressed as farmers, 11 as fruit trees that look very similar to district 7s costumes. District 12 are dressed as coal miners. Only district 9 and district 1 truly impressed this year. Quite disappointing.

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