Three days of training later The interviews (Emilé's POV)

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District 1's tributes go onstage. This year the tributes have been watched everyday in training and then the team is given a score out of 12, which we be announced at the end of the interview.
"Welcome to the Capitol!" Sweetie Pie shrieks. "How are you liking it?"
"It's wonderful!" One girl says, batting her eyelashes and flicking her long blonde hair.
"And are you excited for the games?"
The interview goes on, but I stop listening. I want to get to the important part, and finally it comes.
"So, I expect you are excited to know that your district, after many days of observation, scored... 11! Congratulations!"
The crowd cheers as the tributes walk off the stage, waving and smiling.
The districts go by in a blur. District 2 also get an 11, and Glass and Silk entertain the crowd with their jokes and loud personalities.
At last, it's us.
"Please welcome... District 9!" Says Sweetie Pie, and the 6 walk on stage. They look absolutely terrified. "How are you liking the Capitol?" She shoves the microphone in Imaan's face.
"It's... Big." She says awkwardly, and the crowd laugh.
"So, do you think you can win it this year?"
"We'll give it our best shot!" Sanjay promises, and the crowd obviously likes his enthusiasm.
"What wonderful costumes you had for the opening parade! Would you like to comment on those?"
"We were really pleased with them, our stylist did an amazing job and he should really get all of the credit for that!"
"So, we sadly have to conclude this interview, but before you go, I can tell you that you have scored..." I hold my breath anxiously.
"A 10!"
Wow! A ten is really good for an outlying district.

The next districts fly by, and I don't really listen. At the end, a large table showing the scores of the districts and the betting odds appears behind Sweetie Pie.

I can't look at the betting odds because at that moment something catches my eye. It's Imaan, and she's talking to a girl with long black hair who looks quite a bit older than her. I wonder if they are just chatting, but I see the girl shove Imaan into the wall. I'm about to intervene when Caspar lunges forward and pulls the girl backward.
I can't hear what he says, but the girl just smiles evilly at him. She wriggles from his grasp and walks calmly to the elevator where she gets in and goes up to D6s floor.
"Who was that?"
"Claire from 6. She's mad." He says by way of explanation, and he leads Imaan to the lift.

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