Severus Snape

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Severus was deeply in love with you.
But you only thought of is as a great friendship you both had.
He would do anything to have you to himself. Anything.

But when he found out you were going to wed some muggle. He lost it.
He wanted you. He needed you.
He wanted all of you.
Snape wanted no one to have you.
But himself.
All of you to himself.


Severus sits in his office glaring at the letter in his hands. Fury covering his face. The more he looked the more his fist tightened.

And tightened.

And tightened

Until the letter ripped. He started to shred it up into little pieces in his anger. His eyes wide as he threw all the pieces into his fire in fury.

He didnt want anyone to have you. Not at all. He wanted you to be his. All his.

He needed you as his. His Mrs/Mr Snape. Not someone else's.

He stared off into the fire as it reflected into his eyes. He slowly started to calm down. Until an idea popped into his head.

His mouth curled into a smirk. An evil one.

He thought of a way to make them his. Make them his wife/husband. A potion to make them his.

A potion that will make him turn into that pathetic muggle and he'll marry them instead. Give them a life they'll love.

He shoved his wand down his sleeve and apparated to their lover's house. He looked at the house. Pathetic indeed.
He thought. He slid his wand down his sleeve and gripped it into his hands.

His plan was coming into action. Severus walked over to the door and knocked. A second later a man answered it.

"Can I help you?"

Severus nodded. "You will be soon."

He shoved the man inside the house closing the door with his foot and he shoved him into the wall.

"No hard feelings. But she's mine."

Severus pointed the wand to the mans neck and shouted "Avada kedavra!!"

A green light spat out of his wand killing the man in seconds. His numb body lays on the floor board. Still.

Severus kneels down and takes some of the mans hair. "No hard feelings."

He grabs the ring off the mans finger and puts it on his own. He points his wand at the man and burns his body. Till theres nothing but ashes.

He stands up and quickly apparates back to his office. The hair inside his fist. He puts everything down and the hair inside a clear glass jar. "She'll be mine." he spoke.

He started making the potion. Oh how his thoughts while making this. They were all about you. You. You. You. You this. You that. Oh he was head over heels for you.

That he had to kill the man for you.

When his potion was made. He added the hair and stirred it around. Once finished he poured it into a vile and grinned at it.

He poured the vile of liquid down his mouth. The musty green coloured liquid dripping down his throat as he slowly starts to change into your lover.

As he finally changed he smirks. He puts his wand in his pocket and apparates into your lover's house. Before running up the stairs and changing into the mans clothes.

The door opens. "Hun Im home!" You say.

Snape grins. His games have begun.


In the end you got married and you never found out about Snape being your lover. You loved him until you both died




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