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Ever since Nina left, Jamie has been stuck in the same house ever since. But he had some new entertainment a month. Someone moved in. Jamie found them intresting and haunting them was the funniest.

He knocked things over played his chello while they were asleep and moved things around like furniture, objects, their kettle.


Jamie sat on the sofa staring at the woman pacing around with papers in her hand and a phone at her ear.

He grins mischievously and decides to mess around with her. He goes over to her and trails a hand up her arm giving her goosebumps. "This house is haunted Im telling you!"

He continues to mess around and decides to make himself visible to her eyes "Boo.." The woman jumped in fear and backed away. Her phone and papers on the floor, the phone shattered as it dropped. "W-what the fuck.."

Jamie smiled softly "Hello ma'am, I am Jamie!" She stared in fear "I-Im Y/N.."

"Your not in danger Y/N im a ghost really. I can still touch you though some how"

You nod and Jamie smiles

From that part on you became closer to Jamie and he was your best friend well ghost friend.

As you were taking a bath, Jamie popped up and held a toy in his hands "Boo!"

"Jamie!!" You shouted.

His smile lowers "I know you shave your legs Y/N god no need to hide your razor."

You put the razor onto the side of the bath your face red slightly. "You need to stop poking out of everywhere.. You scare me!"

Jamie chuckles and drops the toy into your bath before leaning his arm onto the edge and puts his chin on his arms. "Where are you going?"

"Im going out Jamie"


"With a friend I wont be long"

Jamie's face saddens as the remembrance of Nina leaving with the other man. A smile creeps back up onto his face.

"Woman or man?"


He nods "Have fun!"

You were lying. It was a man. A fine one but no where near as comforting and lovely as Jamie. The difference was the man you were about to see was grumpy, cruel and barelt cares about anything.

While Jamie, Jamie was sweet, caring, a lover boy indeed and would praise a woman he loved with everything he could give, a goddess he would call you and him learing a language to communicate with his partner was adorable.

But dating a ghost? It would be a wreck.

A wreck like Jamie's heart once he found out you were leaving the house with the man you were going out with.

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