part 9 - 'hes got you skipping school?'

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And just like that it was another long day of school. Today I needed to tutor Nathan again as there was no making Haley do it. "Did u read that book Haley told u to read. She said it was called 'The little prince'? i said looking at him waiting for an answer. "No I rented the movie. The book was stupid". I laughed. "Nathan, your not going to pass French if u keep renting movies instead of reading". He was taking the easy root and he wasn't going to learn that way. "Well,it's not like I have the time to read all day Lola" he was right. His basketball took up a lot of his time. "So, are you going to tell me how it went?". He sighed.

"The therapist asked me if I really wanted to play basketball or not". "Wow,what did u say?" I said curiously and just being borderline nosey. "I didn't know what to say. No one has ever asked me that question before. This last couples of weeks not playing made me realise if I didn't play basketball, I would have a life.Now I have some time to figure it out. Besides I'm sure we could find lots of better things to do in our time, right?" He leant in and kissed me. The kiss was short but dreamy. I mean kissing him made me forget everything around us for a few moments. He had that sort of affect on me.

"I think your really brave. With considering rebuilding who you are.I don't think I would be capable of doing that". I said watching other people walking in the corridor outside the room then focusing back to him. "You could." his eyes were like heaven to me. I got lost inside them every time I looked at him. I smiled while looking at him, him doing the same back. He looked down at his book pulling it to him. "Well, I gotta go". "Hey, practice starts again today,right?" I said remembering from somewhere. "Yeah,I'm just not sure if I do. I'll see ya." He grabbed his bag and walked out.I bit my lip and stared at the wall.

After the covering for Haley again, I went shopping for new clothes with my school friend, Bethany. I bought a few outfits and this floral scented perfume with smelt like perfection. We got a coffee and then went back to her house for a bit. I saw Haley sent me a message of the plan for the next lesson for Nathan. I would check later as I had more important things to do right now then study for tutoring. Don't get me wrong helping out Haley and seeing Nathan more is great. But tutoring makes me look nerdy and that is a feeling I despise.

Yes, I skipped a class but I was doing well thanks to Haley. I walked out of my second to last class of the day and saw two people talking who you never would expect to see talk. Nathan and Lucas. I walked over to them as confused as ever. "That's cool. Do what you got to do". Lucas said walking home i suspect. "Am i hallucinating or were you just talking to Lucas?" I said fixing my hair and watching Lucas walk away. "No,he was trying to talk to me" he put his hands in his pocket and looked over at Lucas then back at me.

"Want to skip English? I'm leaving early" he said looking into my eyes. "Hmmm. I don't know I skipped a class today already." I shouldn't skip to many or it will be a big problem I wasn't willing to deal with. "ok well I'm going so I'll catch u later alright". he took a few steps till I couldn't resist the offer. "You know what, catch me now." I walked over to him and put my arm around his waist. Him then doing the same with me. We walked to his car, I couldn't wipe this massive grin of my face. I loved spending time with him. It was my comfort. My enjoyment. We got in his car and drove away.

We were sat on the beach with a bottle of vodka and two cups. If you didn't know already, vodka is my life support. "So, are we trying to get killed?" I said partially drunk already. "I told you, my dad is in charlotte, it's ok. I don't See you like this often. Only at parties." He refilled my cup up for me. "Well your seeing it right now." I said kissing him. "Let's go inside." He said smiling at me. "Ok" I said grinning, still drunk. I was stumbling around so Nathan agreed to give me a piggyback. "Ok. One..three..five" again I'm drunk. "wow..stop moving the pier." I went completely dizzy.

I looked ahead of me to where Nathan was looking. It was Dan. The Dan who was supposed to be in charlotte. "Well, he's definitely not in charlotte now" I said buring my head into Nathan's neck. "It was nice knowing you." He said walking after his father. "Get in the car. I'm driving the you both home." He slammed the door I was next to and stormed round to the other side. "Your mother will love this. You getting drunk on her watch.." I threw up on his leg..

I was stood at the cafe counter. Hair messed up, face.. not good, eyes barely open. "What happened to you?" Lucas said sitting in front of me looking at me. "Nice to see you,too." I said putting plates away. "Yeah,I missed you second and sixth period." He said looking at me concerned. "Yeah, I kind of skipped.." I was trying to read but couldn't. "Oh, so he's got you skipped school?" he looked angry. "Lucas,talk to me when you get your tattoo removed." I walked into the kitchen feeling awful,terrible you name it.

I was sitting in the tutor room regretting my life choices. He was taking so long. Any day and he picks the one I'm hungover on to take forever. He finally walked in. I think I aged a century. "Oh,hey. Almost gave up on you." I said trying to stay awake. "I lost track, sorry" he said looking at me. "It's ok". "You still hung over?" He asked rubbing my back. "Not as Bad as your dads pants." He chuckled. "How great was that." He laughed. I didn't find it funny. "horrible" I buried my head in my hands trying to stay sane. "Let's just tackle this geometry paper,okay". "Or, Bottle Rock is playing at this theatre downtown.We could get the train there. I promise I wouldn't get you drunk, okay?" I smiled at him.

As always,I couldn't resist his offer. "we are doing the equations on the train." I said packing the sheets Haley gave me up. He picked up a paper with an F on it. "Is this one mine?" He said observing the paper. "No,this girl I know missed an English lit pop quiz yesterday". "Lola, you got an F?" he said unhappy with what he saw. "Mr Kelly will let me make up for it,it's fine. It's shocking,I'm a human being, I know now let's go" I said taking the paper out his and walking out.

Nathan's pov:

An F?! She got an F for helping me get better at it. She is sacrificing her own success for mine and I don't want that from her. She has such potential. She can't let it drift for me. I went to the gym hall. "Well you're late, practice was 5 hours ago" whitey said standing next to me. "I drove past and saw your car outside." I said looking at the ground then at the wall infront. "Do you ever go home?" Whitey burst out laughing. "Sometimes I think this is my home." He sat down on the benches and I went to join him. "I don't know what I'm going to do,coach." He put his hand on my shoulder and we spoke more about it.

I went to go see my dad. I walked onto the pier. "Does your mother know you're here? He said still looking out to the ocean. "Yeah, she said it's cool as long as we don't kill each other". my dad smiled at me. " Dad, how the hell did we get so screwed up?". " we'll get through this, Nate." he said gently. "How?"

- sorry for not posting in a while I've been busy with school and friends. Hope you enjoyed this I will post another one in a week or so.

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