part 10 - family dinner

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"Good morning sir,table or counter?" I said walking around with plates in my hand while Haley cleaned tables. "Um,actually I'm looking for Karen"he said facing me. He looked around 60 maybe a little older. "She's in Italy right now, cooking school"I said organising the plates but facing him when I could. "Good for her"he was smiling to himself. "How's that boy of hers doing" he was very interesting in Lucas and Karen it was confusing me.

"Lucas is great. She calls in every once in a while. Want me to leave a message for her?" I was now facing him being polite. "No, that's alright. I'll catch her when I next pass through". "Ok, Can I tell her who stopped by, Mr..." he paused at the door and turned to me. "Just an old friend" he then opened the door and left.

I picked up the coffee I made before he walked in and took it over to the customer. After that, Deb and Haley were convinced they had it under control so I left. Nathan called me and I went for a walk with him and he was telling me about a dinner with his grandparents. "So this dinner will be pretty bad huh?". "Massacre. My grandma is okay but my grandpa is really intense. You know my dad, just imagine where he comes from.You should come tonight,maybe that way they will all behave". I laughed.

"I'll come if u want me to." I said looking back up at him smiling. "I'm not being serious, I wouldn't put you through that". "No,if ur asking, my answer is of course yes" I said smiling again. he made me smile all the time. "Then I'm asking". He smiled down at me. "Then I'm coming" we chuckled and carried on our walk.

Me and Nathan walked in to the house where his family dinner was. I curled my hair and wore some nice clothes. "Oh,Lola." It was the man from the cafe looking for Karen. That was Nathan's grandpa. He came up and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you". "Nice to meet you too." I couldn't wipe the smile of my face. Having dinner with his family made me so happy yet a bit anxious. "Well,Nathan, you're looking more like your father every time I see you. And we all know where he gets his good looks from, don't we? Come in. sit down. You sit right here next to me hun." He pulled my chair out for me. He was really sweet.

Whitey walked in and everyone was talking to him. Nathan looked at me and spoke. "Glad you came?" . "Yeah I am".The men were talking about sports and Nathan's grandma looked annoyed. "Please! No talk about sports until we all have finished dinner." She glared at her husband then carried on eating. "How're your knees with all the playing Nathan?" . "Oh, he's got great knees." I said causing the whole table to burst out laughing.

"Well, I should go check on the cake." Nathan's grandma said. "I'll do that Mrs.Scott" i got out my chair. "Want to help me?" I said to Nathan next to me. "Yeah,yeah the cake right." He got up and follow me into the kitchen. "I warned you,it was going to be intense". "Insane more like". I was checking the cake. "You know, there's a door right there. We could sneak out maybe they wouldn't notice." I wasn't going to leave the first dinner with his family. "How often do your grandparents come in town?" . "Couple times a year. Why?" He said looking at my face carefully. "nothing." I could of made it less obvious I knew something, "Lola you have that look on your face" . "What look?" I said trying to avoid him knowing.

"The look you get when you want to tell me something but you don't want to tell me". five words. how does he know that? "No,I don't. And you shouldn't know that look yet." I pointed the spatula at him slightly in a telling him off way. "What is it?" I looked behind me then into his eyes again. "Your grandfather came by the cafe today,and he asked for Karen.I just kinda got the feeling they have stayed in touch".

"Does Lucas know?" He scoffed and looked at me. "No Lucas has never ever met him but your grandfather asked about him." Nathan had a look of confusion of his face. "That doesn't make any sense. My grandpa acts like my dads second coming. Why would he visit Karen?" . "I don't know, I don't want to start anything, I'm just telling you." I smiled and looked at him. "My family is so screwed up,nothing new could make a difference right now. Don't worry."

Dan was blowing out his birthday candles on his cake. It wouldn't last long before Nathan's grandpa brought up sports again. "So,Nate. How's your game this year?" Well there you go, knew it wouldn't last long. "Now will someone tell me what is going on? Nathan? Whitey? Anyone?" he said looking around the table at us all. "Nathan I think you better take this one" Whitey said looking at Nathan from across the table. "I quit the team, all right?" I knew that wasn't easy to tell his grandpa but he still did it.

"You quit the.. What do you mean you quit the team?" he looked at Nathan. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of Nathan and his grandpa so I could feel the tension and frustration in the air. "He didn't quit the team , Dad , he's just having some time off" . "No, he's not. Please stop lying, Dan." I knew Nathan was fed up of all of it but it's his family. "We're you ever going to tell me this? I mean that's a hell of a thing to keep to yourself" . "Yeah,your one to talk. I know you visit Karen at the cafe, What's that about?" . "Nathan!" I whispered. why did he mention that I told him. "Thats none of your damn business. I guess somebody's got a big mouth." I could feel like his grandpa looking at me. "You shut up, Grandpa!" . "Don't talk to me like that!" his grandpa replied angrily.

"Back off Royal, I've had enough of your crap. Nathan is not the problem." Deb said looking fed up of him.


Nathan drive me home. "I'm sorry you had to see all that" . "It's ok.It helped me understand you." we walked up onto my porch and he leaned on the railing. He spoke to me about his dad and all that stuff. Next morning, Haley was emailing me about the tutor work and asking me questions to see if I studied for my exam. I was typing back to her as someone walked in...... it was Nathan.

Hope you enjoyed it and soon Lola's big party is coming up and I will have to skip bits to move on.

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