part 11- Lucas's incident

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Me and Nathan were layed in my bed. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I sat up and looked in the opposite direction to him. "About what?" . "About the way we started?" I ran my fingers through my silky, pin straight hair. "Nothing. Just when you first started tutoring me, I thought the easiest way to mess with Lucas was to hook up with you, but.." I couldn't believe him right now. "So everything between us has been a lie?" my phone wouldn't stop ringing but I was focusing on this right now. "No, that's not.." . "I cannot believe this, Lucas was right about you all along". Keith's voice started talking through my telephone.

"Lola,pick up. There has been an accident. Lucas is hurt pretty bad." I stood up on my bed and carefully jumped over Nathan. I picked up my phone. "Keith,hey". He was talking to me on the phone about what happened with Lucas. "He's gonna make it, right? Ok thanks." I hung up the phone. "Come on, I'll take you to the hospital." he said looking into my eyes, concerned for me. "I can't talk to you right now, Nathan". "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I looked him in the eye, frustrated. "Just go" I said looking down at my phone. He walked out and I called Peyton straight away telling her about Lucas.

Peyton was stood at my door. She knocked on the doorframe and looked over at me curled on my bed. "Hey, I thought you'd be at the hospital." she said looking over at my moody face. "Why aren't u there". "I dropped your sister off. It's kinda weird, she's still with Lucas." I liked how Peyton was open with me despite us not being as close as her and my sister.  "She doesn't know about you guys yet?" I was picking at the thread on my cushion. "We were gonna tell her tonight." I looked at her then looked away. "Don't you want to see him?" of course I did was that even a question. I saw a message from Bethany and replied also listening to Peyton.

"Yeah I do. I just....can't. If you don't mind, I'd really like to be alone right now." Deep down I felt like I was being a bit effortless with her at this moment because she was telling me things and I wasn't telling her anything. "Yeah. Yeah, ok. But I think his mum would really like to see you." . "Peyton, I'll go when I'm ready."

Peyton came to visit me at my shift at work. "Lola, what are you doing?" . "Inventory." I said writing on a clipboard while having my back facing Peyton. "Lucas is lying in a hospital, why can't you just go see him?" she said looking over at me. "Because he wouldn't want to see me." I said snapping back. "What are you talking about? You guys are best friends." she was probably confused and she had the right to be since she didn't know bout the fight we had.
"Not last night we weren't. We got in a fight". "About what?" about you silly. "You..him and Brooke."

"the last thing I said to him was "I don't like the person your becoming and the next time you see me don't talk to me." I said disappointed in myself. "You didn't mean it" . "Peyton, what if I can't take it back? What if he doesn't forgive me?" I looked at her not knowing what she would say. "I'll tell you what, whenever you decide your ready, I'll go to the hospital with you. Strength in numbers." that was actually a really sweet offer. "Yeah, yeah. okay. thank you" . "I'll see you." she turned around and walked out the building. I turned around and sighed staring at the wall.

Haley was on holiday for a while so Karen needed me a lot more now. I was handing people their meals and working my shift. "There you go, enjoy your meal." I said putting the plates in-front of them and walking away. "How's Lucas?" Nathan said looking at me. "Like you care" I said continuing to walk away from the table. "Lola, come on. That's not fair" he said turning around as I walked past him. "Look, we're not tight, but I don't want to see the guy in hospital." I was not in the mood for him to talk to me right now. "Why, cause if he's out of circulation then you can't use me to piss him off?" I grabbed a menu and walked away from him again. "Lola,can you just stand still for a second so we can talk about this" . "Not a chance in hell."

"Alright, fine don't talk to me but at least take you to see Lucas today". "You know what, Peyton is already taking me after this shift. Even if she wasn't, I wouldn't be going there with you." I walked away from him towards the kitchen.

I got my stuff and went to Peyton's car to go see Lucas. We entered his hospital room. Not only did I hate hospitals but I hated them even more when my best friend was struggling in one. Karen was sat up asleep with her head on the side of Lucas's bed. I bit my lip trying not to cry but it was too much. "I-I can't" I looked away and walked outside the room trying to calm down.  I couldn't see him like that not now not ever. "Lola,wait! it's all right." she came and stood next to me looking at me concerned. "No it's not all right Peyton. He's lying there suffering and there is nothing that I can do to help him." I was right in my mind. "You can be there for him. Lola just go speak to him it will make you feel a lot better.

"I don't deserve to feel better. I can't." I ran my hand through my silky hair and walked down the corridor holding tears back. he needed me but I couldn't see him like that. It pained me to see him like that.

I was speaking to my close friend, Bethany. We were just talking about Lucas and Nathan and her boyfriend troubles. I had my iced coffee with vanilla in and I had Bethany. Bethany was the type of friend who you could talk to all day and not get bored. She also understands pretty much everything I tell her and try's to give advice and support me when she can. She's the friend you want in life and I couldn't be more grateful for our friendship. "So tell me why you left. I mean he's your best friend right wouldn't you want to be there with him".

"Beth, I just couldn't. Seeing him there asleep and in pain. It hurt me. I couldn't do anything to help him if I stayed all I would be doing is making myself more and more upset. I can't see him like that. It may seem selfish but the emotions just hit me at once." she looked at me nodding knowing how much I needed and wanted him to be better immediately. I sipped on my iced coffee waiting for her reply. "I don't think it's selfish. You do obviously need to go back because he's your best friend but you also need to be emotionally stable when you visit him". I looked at the pier and looking back at her. I did need to be there for him but I couldn't face seeing him like that.

Bethany had to go which was a bit sad because I love spending time with her but her mum needed help with her party decorating to welcome their father home after him being in the military. Peyton saw me and walked over to me.

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