part 7- the first kiss

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It was the morning of the date disaster and I have to go get my jacket from my car. As I walked out to my car to retrieve my coat, I saw Nathan throwing tiny rocks at Brooke's bedroom. " Trying to wake up my parents? That's their room." I said continuing to walk over to my car as he looked  back up at the window, feeling stupid.

"Look! Lola! I need to apologise, okay?" He said walking over to me. "Ou should write them in bulk if your going to hand apologies out this often." I said,being truthful.

"Can we just.... I don't know how to do this, all right, I'm not like you". "What does that mean?" I said defensively. "I screw up a lot. And being around you, I just.... Don't want to be that guy any more. I want to be good enough to be seen with you" he said looking at me deeply. "Well, you should've thought that last night. How do you put myself out there, and you keep blowing it. It's probably a good thing because there's nothing you can do the surprise me."

He interrupted me by kissing me. "Except that." You shouldn't have done that, Nathan". "I wanted to Lola" I looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah." I looked at his lips and kissed him. Which turned out to be us making out outside my house,on the street.

I was talking to Peyton when I was leaving. I said bye to her and opened the school door. I went outside and looked to my right. There he was, Nathan was walking towards me. I smiled at him and saw all his friends walk up to him so I decided to carry on walking. He then ran after me and shouted me. "Lola!" I turned around and he caught up to me. All his friends were watching. He tucked my hair behind my ear and I smiled at him.

I was walking in the corridor looking for Haley. "Lola!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me into a room. He kissed me and again, it turned into us making out until I broke it off. "Nathan,we can't do this right now". "We just did." I giggled. "All right, I'll kiss you later then." He walked out and I had the biggest grin on my face.

Nathan was at his locker so I went over to him. I tapped him on the back. "Very funny". "Hey,are you okay? Lucas said you had some trouble at practice yesterday." I said curious, that's my middle name if u couldn't tell. "Lucas needs to mind his own business. We got a game coming up,that's all. I get a little intense". "Are you sure you're ok? Your shaking, Nathan."

I was concerned bcz he didn't seem like his normal self at this moment. "My hearts racing too. That's what happens when I'm around you." So your house tonight, right? Tutoring?" He said checking to see if it was still happening. "Are you sure your alright?". "Yeah, I'm fine don't worry." But that's all I was going to do. Worry. "See you tonight?". "Yeah,bye" I was still worried even if he changed the subject.

"Nathan, are you going to pace around all night, or can we get started?" I was on the computer and he was walking around my room. He went and sat down on my bed. "So a month ago, did you think we'd be alone in your bedroom together." He said smirking at me. "Oh, but we're not alone in my bedroom. We had the forefathers with us". "They can watch us"

"Nathan, can you just get serious for a minute please". "Oh, I'm serious. Come here." He took my hand and walked me over to him. He gently pulled my hand towards him and kissed me. He layed me down on the bed, him being on top and we made out.

"What if Brooke comes home". "Come on." he said continuing to kiss me. He tried unbuttoning my shirt. It was too early to be doing this. "Nathan, come on stop it" he carried on. "Don't! Hey!" I shoved him off of me and stood up. "God.... I think you should go. I'd like you to go." He stood up annoyed and walked out. "Unbelievable" he muttered under his breath.

It was the next day and I was sat at a table outside with Lucas. "So what did you do last night" I said trying to make conversation. "Nothing. You?". "Nothing." I said lying straight through my teeth. "Actually, I kinda made out with Brooke.While I was drunk.". "Oh. Wow. Slow night for you. What happened?" I was very interested what he and my sister did, to see if Brooke needed a firm talk.

"Well,we went out as friends and things just escalated". "Yeah sounds like it. You and my sister, please. Causing me to giggle. "I've been kissing Nathan I guess". "If I told you not to do that any more would you listen?". "Would you if I said the same about my SISTER?. "no." I pulled that face where your saying exactly but not actually saying it. "So are you and my sister like, a thing now?". "No. We went out. We had fun."

I was sat down with Haley in the tutor Centre when Peyton asked if she could talk to me. I told Haley I'd be back and went over to Peyton. "What's going on? You said you wanted to talk." I said looking at her. "Do you think second chances are a lie" I thought about it for a second then answered it. "Well, it depends on who your dealing with, I guess." She nodded. "So, how are things going with you and Nathan?" I sighed.

"Hmmm. Not sure. I don't know what he wants us to be. A couple? just hanging out? Is it just for sex? Because if it I mean." She looked at me. "If it is what?". "Then that's not enough for me." I said looking down at the pencil in front of me. "Bad experience?". "Yeah, I remember like most of it . I was drunk so yeah." she looked like she really understood and took in what I was saying and I really appreciated that. "So what are you going to do?". "Try my best to get answers, I guess". She was looking down at the pen she was fiddling with. "Did Lucas tell you what happened between us?". "Yeah. He just told me you weren't ready for a relationship." She looked back up at me and looked like she was about to ask me something. "Did he tell you about him and Brooke?". "That they went out? Yeah. You ok with that?" "Yeah. I am." After that we just laughed and talked.

"Nathan!" I said trying to catch up to him. "Not now, Lola". "Ok, after the game,can we get food and talk?" I was really trying and he was being stubborn when he was the one in the wrong. "Lola,I said not now, ok?" He seemed rlly tense and was rlly snappy. "Why are you being like this?".Because I can, ok? That's how it works. People are mean, Life's a bitch." He walked away and went to the game he was about to play in.

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