15. monaco

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Olivias POV

I found myself standing amidst the bustling activity of the Ferrari garage, a place I never imagined I'd be, especially not in Charles's driver's room. It was surreal, watching him prepare for practice, the scent of motor oil mixing with the hum of machinery creating an atmosphere charged with excitement.

"Enjoying the view, my love?" Charles's playful remark snapped me out of my reverie, and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I realized he had caught me staring. The past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions, a rollercoaster ride of uncertainty and unexpected twists that left me grappling with conflicting feelings.

When I told Lu about the conversation with Charles, she was surprised. She said I should definitely take advantage of the chance. Lu thought Charles was showing he wanted something serious between us. It made me excited but also a bit scared. I felt like I had to go, or else Lu might be really upset with me.

As I approached the Paddock, the nerves threatened to overwhelm me, but David's soothing presence on FaceTime provided a lifeline of reassurance. "What if she doesn't like me?" I fretted, the hustle and bustle of the paddock heightening my anxiety. "Why worry, Liv? She'll adore you." David's calming words attempted to quell my apprehensions.

After saying goodbye to David, I made my way to the entrance where Lando welcomed me. He was the only one I told that I was coming, after all I wanted to surprise Charles somehow.

As Lando's voice guided me through the labyrinth of the paddock, a feeling of relief came over me. His infectious enthusiasm lifted my spirits and anchored me in the present moment as we moved through the crowds.

Finally reaching the Ferrari garage, I felt a surge of excitement mingled with trepidation. Lando bid me farewell, leaving me to face the unknown. Each step forward felt like a leap into the unknown, my heart pounding with anticipation.

But before I could fully immerse myself in the experience, I was halted by a stern voice. "Miss, you can't be in here," a guard admonished, his expression stern. Just as panic threatened to consume me, a familiar voice intervened, rescuing me from the brink. "It's alright. I know her. That's Charles' girlfriend." Carlos's authoritative tone cut through the tension, his presence a welcome relief.

As Carlos vouched for me, the guard's demeanor softened, and I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. "Girlfriend?" The word echoed in my mind, sending a thrill down my spine. With Carlos's reassurance and the guard's newfound ease, my worries melted away, replaced by a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead. Laughing at the thought of Charles's reaction, Carlos led me further into the garage, setting the stage for what promised to be an unforgettable encounter amidst the roaring engines and intoxicating atmosphere of the Ferrari world.

After Charles saw me, his face lit up with a mixture of surprise and delight. He hurried over, leaving behind whatever he was doing, and pulled me into a warm embrace. "You came!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness.

As the initial shock wore off, Charles introduced me to the others in the garage, proudly referring to me as his girlfriend. It was a surreal moment, but one that filled me with a sense of belonging.

Throughout the rest of the day, Charles made sure I felt included, showing me around the garage, introducing me to his teammates, and sharing inside jokes that made me feel like part of the team.

During the practice session, Charles demonstrated his skill and expertise behind the wheel, impressing everyone in the garage with his precision and speed. As I watched him navigate the twists and turns of the track, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride.

After the session ended, Charles approached me with a smile, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "What did you think?" he asked eagerly, his enthusiasm contagious.

I couldn't hide my admiration. "You were amazing out there," I replied, unable to contain my excitement. "I'm so proud of you."

Charles beamed at the compliment, his grin widening. "Thanks, love," he said, wrapping me in a hug. "Having you here means the world to me."

As we stood there, basking in the afterglow of his impressive performance, I knew that this was just the beginning of our journey together. With each passing moment, I felt more certain that I had made the right decision in coming to support him.

Throughout the rest of the day, Charles continued to shine on the track, setting impressive lap times and garnering praise from his teammates and crew. And as the sun began to set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the paddock, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be a part of his world.

It's been a bit, but here's the next part. Let me know if you like it, and please remember to vote! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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