10. the grid

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Olivia's POV

Charles didn't say a word at first when I opened him the door. He just looked at me from head to toe. „Olivia..." he laid one hand on his chest, pretending like he's having a heart attack. Then he comes closer, leaving a kiss on my lips. „You look so beautiful."

I felt him staring at me whilst driving to the club in the back of a taxi. „You're staring, Leclerc." I whisper. He slides a little closer to me, laying his hand on my bare thigh. My whole body was covered in goosebumps. „How could I not." he whispers back in my ear.


Arrived at the Club we were welcomed by 100 of people already waiting outside in the line to get in. „Come on." Charles grabs my hand and leads me to the entry. He said something to the security when he opened the gate for us to let us in. As where walking in, I realize what we're actually doing here.

We get to a table where already some other people are sitting. Actually a lot of people. Most of them men. Some faces I recognize from photos Charles showed me. They all got up to greet Charles while I take a stand on the side. I wondered how it could be that they still so close together although they race against each other. Charles turns back around to me. „This is Olivia." I just smile, trying to hide how nervous I actually were. He also introduce everyone who's there. They all greet me with a kind smile.

Lando is the coming in my direction taking me by my hand. „I feel like she's somebody I could drink with, since all of you turned boring over the last year!" he said, pulling me to the bar.

I could take a drink for sure. No, I definitely need one.


Hours have passed and to be said, of course I had a few drinks. Maybe a lot. At least I wasn't so awkward, well I think I wasn't but I've actually talked a lot with the others drivers. And all I could say is that Daniel is definitely my favorite so far. He always made sure I was involved in their conversations. With Lando on the other hand I had the most of fun tonight. All over the boys were kind but only Pierre was the one who didn't really wanted to interact with me. He's Charles best friend and maybe he does think I'm not good enough for him.

I was dancing to the loud music as I felt some warm hands around my waist. Turning around I expect Charles to stand there but I was wrong. A stranger looked at me with desire in his eyes. I try to escape but the man grabs me by my hand to pull me closer to him. „Where you going baby?" I look around try to find one of the boys. Thousands of thoughts where going through my head. I again try to leave, trying not to even look at him but his grip around my hand just gets stronger. „Come on. It looked like you had fun. We could have fun together?" It felt like I would black out any seconds and the alcohol is not helping very much.

Finally I see Lando in the distance. I think the look on my face was enough for him to understand that something is not right.

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