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Charle's POV

„What?" she asked, as if she didn't heard what I just said the first time. I take some steps closer to her.

„I wanted to see you." I said again with a now deeper voice. Her  body language told me how nervous she was. Not making a move just standing there looking at me with those innocent eyes.

I was honest with her. I truly wanted to see her. The only thing I could think about at this dinner was her.

Even Arthur noticed something was off with me.

Olivia continues to just look at me and not saying a word. The way she's so perfect by doing absolutely nothing is insane.

I hold up the bag with food I packed for her. „Got you some food from the dinner, incase you're hungry." a light smile appears on her face. It felt like my heart would melt away by just looking at her.


The next moment we both sitting on her kitchen counter as she enjoys the food I brought her. „This is so good." she told me in between chewing.

Mom's homemade pasta was truly the best.

All I could do was look at her, realizing how perfect she really is.

Well I knew that, the second I saw her in Vincent's bar.

Just the way she looked up to me with her beautiful brown eyes was enough for me.

„Are you even listening, Charles?" she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. I needed a second to realize I was fucking starting at her.

„Sorry. What did you say?" I slide of the counter. Now she was the one starring at me as I stand directly in front of her.

She shook her head and took another bite from the pasta. Now she's holding the fork with pasta on it in front of my face. „Take a bite." We both look at each other as I take the fork and also the container with the pasta in it and put it aside.

Olivia looked at me confused. I stand in front of her laying my hands on her bare thighs. God, her skin is so smooth.

I can tell she stopped breathing as she continues to just look at me.

I don't know what's going on with me.

Why does she make me feel like that? Just her presence makes me go crazy.

I look her deeply in the eyes, trying to find out if she wants it too. „Is this okay?" I whisper not sure if she heard me. The only thing she does is nodding with her head.

So I push myself between her legs, now being directly in front of her.

„Words, Olivia. I need words." I try getting even closer to her, finally feeling her chest against mine.

„Yes. This is okay." she whispers too.

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