4. see you

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Olivia's POV

Charles took me to little restaurant inbetween a small alley in monaco. I couldn't take my eyes of him the whole time. This man was literally the perfection in person. After we sat down in a unoticable corner, he orderd our food.

I was glad, I will have a few days off. After working so much, Vincent told me I don't have to come in till the weekend.

Perfect timing.

Right now I wanted to spent every hour with Charles.

We talked a lot and it seemed like we do know each other for longer than we actually do. He told me everything I should know about his job.

I know, I didn't really care when Vincent told me about it. But listeting to him talk about it, is a complete diferent thing.

I guess so.

"How did you got to bartending. Ecspecially here in Monaco? Like Vincent told us you originally from germany but live on mallorca. How come?"

I was nervous telling him the story. Talking to him, I realised how big of a family guy he is and that he would do everything for them. What if he would judge me for what I did?

Maybe this is a story for another time.

"You know, I was on vacation in palma two years ago and met david there, my best friend. He offered me a job in his bar and a month later I moved there. Basically left my old life behind me and started a new one. David's Dad is really close to Vincent too, so when he visitited them, he offered me to work for him for a few months. And that's how I got here." I laugh nervously, hoping he wouldn't aks any further question. I tried my best to keep the story a simple as possible.

"So you're just staying for a few months?" he asked. I could hear a sad undertone in his voice.

I was glad, that's the only thing he wanted to know more about. Even though it seems like this is not the only question he wanted to ask.

"Maybe there will be a reason to stay a little longer." I smile.


Charles had to leave, because his mother organised a family dinner for him and his brothers. He told me that she does that everytime when all of the three brothers are back at home and before the season starts again.

Which will be soon.

My heart hurts watching him leaving me at my arpatment door.

Charles texted me anytime he could. I felt weird about already missing him.

Eventually I feel asleep pretty early. I couldn't remeber when, but all of the sudden I got pulled out of my sleep as I hear the doorbell ring. I jump right up out of my bed, confused who would come to my apartment a this time of the night. Half alsleep and without thinking I open the door. My eyes widen as I see who's standing infront of me.

"Charles?" is all I can say.

He looks at me and starts laughing. So I take a look down on me, seeing the outfit I put on when I got home. Which was basically just a small shirt and underwear.

I gasp.

Charles seems to be really amused of me. I ran back into my apartment as fast as i could and tell him to come in.

And so he does. I rush to my closet and pull out the first pants I could grab and slip into them.

"What are doing here?" I ask, trying to hide the mess I left in my apartment.

"I wanted to see you."

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